It’s all negative but so very positive…..
After gaining his pre-entry health requirement certificates Hevans EV Catorrius is now a resident at the Twemlows Stud in their Stallion AI Services department.
Our journey timed to perfection, met at the gates by Tullis and greeted by two members of the team. On arrival, all papers and passport were approved and then Reus him self had a thorough health check. First impressions are the lasting one’s…..impressed !
Certified NEGATIVE for :
Equine Infectious Anemia (EIA)
Equine Viral Arteritis (EVA)
Contagious Equine Metritis (CEM)
Streptococcus Equi (Strangles)
Malignant Hyperthermia (MH)
Polysaccharide Storage Myopathy (PSSM1)
Hyperkalemic Periodic Paralysis Disease (HYPP)
Glycogen Branching Enzyme Deficiency (GBED)
Hereditary Equine Regional Dermal Asthenia (HERDA)
Congenital Stationary Night Blindness (CSNB)
Gray Coat Color / Melanoma (GREY)
Hopefully it will be semen worth freezing for the UK & Europe?
Yes, it all sounds so negative but it’s all so positive……