A Non Characteristic Redheart Mare….

When looking to buy an Appaloosa, there are many factors to consider.

To breed Appaloosas, they need to be registered. We like to triple register our horses with the British Appaloosa Society, the Appaloosa Horse Club, and Appaloosa Horse Club UK.

It takes time, the basic’s are quality ID photographs, DNA, specific clear genetics, and parental verification along with a Veterinary identification form.

Today we received these documents, confirming Caricks Redheart’s registration details and pedigree. The Performance Permit allows her to compete against colorful Appaloosa. As I previously worked out, her Foundation Pedigree Designation is 93%, always good to have it confirmed.

British Appaloosa Society Northern Show 2017

I usually pride myself on organisation and presentation but this weekend I was quite cross with myself…..Arriving at the show late, without my 2017 “right hand” Amelie, taking two horses that are kept well apart from each other due to a two-year-old hormonal colt and a three-year-old filly who seems to spend every day in season….

Despite our best efforts, we missed our first two classes and literally ran DFR Patahas Redheart off the lorry into the ring for the Most Colourful class. Last, to enter the ring, we could see plenty of competitors and thought we have no chance! A well deserved first and gaining the Best Turned Out.

We ran Blu back to the box and ran Myka into the next class the Most Colourful Other. Absolutely delighted to take the first place and again winning the Best Turned Out. I then realised I had two horses qualified for the Championship. Thank you so much to Katey Anne Catcheside who very kindly ran Myka, fabulous job.

Next up, Myka in the 2 & 3 year Old Fillies Class. Not a foot out-of-place, she took a well deserved 2nd place to a very nice filly. After a little break, Blu entered the BApS Licensed Stallion Class, very unsettled he displayed a few “colty” moves, very disappointed in him, it was a small ring, constantly on the turn and I think he got annoyed with me, not letting him have his head? Lesson learnt, we must trot slower….

Myka, received a Reserve Champion in the Youngstock Championship but her performance had no sparkle, head down and slightly reluctant to trot, shame she wasn’t more relaxed to have a wee in the ring, waiting to go once loaded on the lorry?

The Championship Classes ran one into the other, despite my best attempt to swap horses, by the time I returned with Blu for the Male Championship, the class had started and that was that!

The best part of the day was seeing the eyes light up from the breeders of Myka, Carol & Michael Woods.  I felt very proud showing Myka and delighted with her performance. It was a wonderful friendly show,  full of beautiful Appaloosas.




Hanbury Countryside Show – 2017

I could not believe there’s a lovely show only 10 minutes down the road from us. I could not believe how big the show is and I could not believe DFR Patahas Redheart won a class from ” Alternative Coloureds”.

Absolutely thrilled to bits to have taken the first place over Spotted, Dun’s, Roan’s, Pinaloosa’s, Palomino’s etc

Just a quick hour out for Blu to try to take a bit “colty” behaviour out of him before a big show tomorrow!