Entries by Paula Cooper

Two Leopard Complex (LP) genes & Congenital stationary Night blindness (CSNB)

A horse with two copies of the Leopard Complex gene, a huge asset in the breeding world of Appaloosas because they will pass on one LP gene 100% of the time, thus their progeny will be Characteristic. Additionally, LP/LP horses without question will be affected by Congenital stationary Night blindness (CSNB). Over the years, we’ve […]

The Broodmares In Foal To DFR Patahas Redheart…

Two seasoned broodmares and two maidens, all in foal to DFR Patahas Redheart. Our four broodmares on their way to higher ground. All in their 7 months of gestation, all looking really well (a little too well) but they will need their reserves to get them through winter…

New pastures, new friends, new life…

At nearly 7 months, Redheart RU Chubarry is up-to-date with worming, vaccinations, and the farrier, she’s microchipped, has a passport and registered with ApHC, ApHC UK and BAps, she ties, leads, loads and is happy to wear a rug which means one thing…time to leave the stud. She loaded in Worcestershire and unloaded in Hertfordshire, at […]

LES ROBES DES CHEVAUX – Horse Dresses/Coat Colour – French Publication

There are many assumptions about breeding for colour especially with the increasing availability of equine genetics to the public. More and more “breeders” are certainly breeding for colour, evident by beautifully coloured marked foals with no obvious thought for conformation, pedigree, temperament, registrations or performance and the list can go on… No horse has perfect conformation, beauty is […]

Weaning Redheart RU Chubarry

We’ve noticed the “independence” of Ru over the last month or so and due to adlib hay and sharing her dams feed the demand for milk has reduced, just a few factors that help during weaning. Because Ru is sold, we would like her to leave the stud when we know she is ready and not […]

National – International – World Standings…

We subscribe to the Appaloosa Journal, this is the official publication of the Appaloosa Horse Club, the international registry for the Appaloosa horse. Each year we compete at the Appaloosa Horse Club UK National Show, each year we take part in the UK classes and USA Classes. Whilst our UK points go towards ApHC UK […]