Redheart Appaloosa Foals – Registered – Apaloosa Horse Club (ApHC)
/0 Comments/in Appaloosa Horse Club, Appaloosa Horse Club UK, Appaloosa Young Stock, DFR Patahas Redheart, For Sale, Foundation Appaloosa Mare, Foundation Appaloosa Stallion, Peyres Catori Cat, Princesse Pascale, Redheart Cateaster, Redheart Pascalius, Redheart Reflection, Redheart Relentless, Redheart Revelation, Redheart Rookie, The Stud /by Paula CooperThe 2019 Foals – Content to Tie Up
/0 Comments/in Appaloosa Young Stock, DFR Patahas Redheart, For Sale, Foundation Appaloosa Stallion, Redheart Reflection, Redheart Relentless, Redheart Revelation, Redheart Rookie /by Paula CooperEvery day is a school day here at the stud, not only for the foals but me too.. Reading a horse is a gift and I try to read the outcome of a situation before it happens!
Teaching a foal to tie up takes time, we aim for stress free lessons with a positive result.
Here are our four foals at just over 16 weeks old, all happy and content being tied up!
Have a look just how chilled these foals are, videos on our Face Book Page.
Β These pictures are before we turned the mares and foals back to their paddock, but what was waiting outside was two air balloons, I don’t think the foals would have tied up after this event, great pictures with the sunset, they soon settled but they were all quite frightened by the noise of the burners!
Our 2019 Foals – Four Months Old…
/0 Comments/in Appaloosa Young Stock, DFR Patahas Redheart, For Sale, Foundation Appaloosa Stallion, Redheart Reflection, Redheart Relentless, Redheart Revelation, Redheart Rookie /by Paula CooperOur 2019 foals by DRF Patahas Redheart have all now reached the milestone of 4 months, their characters are shinning through and they are developing very nicely.
Only by photographs do you appreciate and realise how far we have come in just 16 weeks!
We continue quietly and slowly with their education, using ropes around them, teaching them to lead, tie and stand.
We never leave head collars on without supervision, after our evening lessons (approximately 5 minutes each), we’ve left their head collars on and regroup for a lesson in standing still together, they completed the task which was quite entertaining, here’s a photo but videos are available on the Face Book page, quite sweet!
The Appaloosa and the CREAM Gene!!!
/0 Comments/in Appaloosa Young Stock, Caricks Redheart, DFR Patahas Redheart, For Sale, Foundation Appaloosa Mare, Foundation Appaloosa Stallion, Peyres Catori Cat, Princesse Pascale, Redheart Pascalius, Redheart Reflection, Redheart Relentless, Redheart Revelation /by Paula CooperWhen it comes to Appaloosas and you have a Stallion that can pass his cream gene on to his off spring, we do not take for granted what we see before us, we have to test.
The cream when inherited does not show on black, it’s quite obvious on a new-born bay’s as it turns the red pigment into a golden colour, evidently known as buckskin.
Our two bay foals Rookie (left) and Reflection (right) are both EE Aa and both have inherited the cream gene, making them buckskins.
Our two black and white foals Revelation (left) and Relentless (right), look black and white! You can not tell if they have inherited the cream gene. They are bothΒ homozygous black (EE aa).
Only genetically testing has confirmed our filly Revelation has inherited the cream gene, our colt, Relentless has not inherited the cram gene.
Revelation’s black markings will eventually turn a beautiful blue/grey colour whilst Relentless will stay with that sharp black and white appearance.
Sometimes black and white is not always black and white…
The 2019 Appaloosa Foals – Three Months Old
/0 Comments/in Appaloosa Young Stock, Caricks Redheart, DFR Patahas Redheart, For Sale, Foundation Appaloosa Mare, Foundation Appaloosa Stallion, Peyres Catori Cat, Princesse Pascale, Redheart Pascalius, Redheart Reflection, Redheart Relentless, Redheart Revelation, Redheart Rookie /by Paula Cooper15th July
Redheart Relentless β 3 months old today!
Homozygous black (EE aa) few spot (LP/LP) colt with one copy of the Pattern gene (PATN1/patn1).
Peyres Catori Cat x DRF Patahas Redheart
Eligible ApHC β 97% FPD, BApS GRADE A, and ApHC UK β A Register, not eligible with FAHR @ 72.0704%
21st July
Redheart Rookie – 3 months old today!
Bay (EE Aa) with one copy of Cream (CR/cr) making her a Buckskin, sheβs a few spot (LP/LP) with one copy of the Pattern gene (PATN1/patn1).
Princesse Pascale x DRF Patahas Redheart
Eligible ApHC 100% FPD & GAP 5, BApS β GRADE A, APHC UK β A β Register and FAHR β 83.5937%
26th July
Redheart Revelation – 3 months old today!
Homozygous black (EE aa) with one copy of the cream gene (CR/cr) making her a smoky black near leopard filly. Heterozygous Leopard Print (LP/lp) and heterozygous Pattern (PATN1/patn1).
Redheart Pascalius x DFR Patahas Redheart
Eligible ApHC 100% FPD & GAP 6, BApS β GRADE A, ApHC UK β A Register and FAHR 82.4951%
29th July
Redheart Reflection – 3 months old today!
Bay (EE Aa) with one copy of cream (CR/cr) making him a buckskin leopard. Heβs heterozygous for Leopard Print (LP/lp) and homozygous pattern (PATN1/PATN1) with one copy of nd1 for primitive markings.
Caricks Redheart x DFR Patahas Redheart
Eligible ApHC β 100% FPD, BApS β GRADE A and ApHC UK β A Register, not eligible with FAHR @ 67.8711%
Don’t Forget About The Stallion…
/0 Comments/in Appaloosa Horse Club, Appaloosa Horse Club UK, Appaloosa Young Stock, British Appaloosa Society, Caricks Redheart, DFR Patahas Redheart, For Sale, Foreign Breeds, Foundation Appaloosa Mare, Foundation Appaloosa Stallion, Organisations, Peyres Catori Cat, Princesse Pascale, Redheart Appaloosas SOLD, Redheart Pascalius, Redheart Reflection, Redheart Relentless, Redheart Revelation, Redheart Rookie, Redheart RU Chubarry, Redheart Rumours /by Paula CooperWe all know a foal inherits 50% of its genetic make up from the sire and the dam, we constantly post about the foals and occasionally about the mares, I suppose because the foals are funny, unique and very NEW!
But, let us not forget our stallion DFR Patahas Redheart.
We have come a long way with Blu, from Switzerland at 6 months old in fact π
Since his arrival Blu has been so easy to do, he’s kind and gentle, he has the most affectionate personality and that’s just a tiny contribute to his qualities as a stallion. His genetic make up is perfect for breeding and his one copy of cream adds the 50/50 chance of his foals being Buckskin or Smoky Black, not to mention his performance record in the ring!
His 2018 foal Ru has already won her first Championship and his 2019 crop are just quality with the same high level of intelligence with that soppy affectionate trait.
Blu was broken to ride earlier this year, although he turned 4 in January he needed something to focus on after the long winter, he was ridden away and took every day of learning as expected, not a bother or care in the world. None the less that doesn’t mean we are heading off in the ring under saddle, we like to give our horses time and time is what he shall have.
Out by day and in at night Blu is very chilled and enjoying a year off, time to grow mentally and physically.
He’s slightly run up at the moment in my eyes probably due to all the mares recently coming into season, we anticipate this cycle to continue unfortunately, well until our new paddocks are available, its a constant working progress here at Redheart Appaloosa Stud.
We are not breeding with him this year, we are a small stud that breed quality not quantity and we certainly don’t want a herd of young stock while the supply and demand is very unbalanced!
We are not allowed in the orchard with the horses, only for photo shoots π
DRF PATAHAS REDHEART Sunday 23rd June 2019
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- Alison James Photography
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- Foundation Appaloosa Horse Registry (FAHR)
- Western Equestrian Society (WES)
- The Appaloosa Museum
- Top Shots Photography
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- Animal Genetics USA
- IJ Equine Photography
- AG Horse Transport (Adam Gibson Equine Horse Transport)
- Mountain Media
- International Colored Appaloosa Association, Inc
- Animal Genetics UK
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- Etalon Diagnostics
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Latest News
- What a fabulous start to 2025 January 9, 2025
- Happy New Year 2025 January 1, 2025
- Bottoms Up @ New Year – 2024 December 31, 2023
- Foundation Appaloosa Semen Available 2024 (LP/LP PATN1/PATN1) – ALL MARES December 17, 2023
- The Redheart Stallions Receive Appaloosa Horse Club UK (ApHC UK) Accomplishments December 24, 2022