Weeping at weaning time….………

Over the last four years, I question myself why am I breeding when it comes to weaning. I feel so much pain for the mare and foal it’s pathetic but perhaps it has something to do with motherhood?

Easter is now six months old and I have observed her very closely over the last few weeks. During the day (out in the field) I have noticed the distance between her and Catori and Easter’s strong bond with Evee has developed considerably. Catori (although five months pregnant) has been content being with her best friend PP, a perfect match for scratching and grazing.

Being one of the most stressful experiences in a horse’s lifetime (never mind the owners)  my aim is to minimise the stress for mare and foal. I have ensured Easter has had a good start in life, she is up to date with her jabs, her feet have been regularly trimmed and she’s carrying enough weight to head into the winter months and cope with the weaning process. She is a greedy little filly and I have no doubt her digestive system is ready.

So I did it, yesterday Catori was loaded into the lorry as a vacancy arose at Will Hunt’s yard, taken away out of ear shot from Easter for a holiday to allow her milk to dry up.

Today is the first day Easter has been without her mum, although a constant neighing last night, the other horses constantly replied to her. I guess, reassuring her they were only next door or telling her to shut up?

Today, the appropriate company was Evee, PP was stabled as I believe three could be a crowd. Evee was so quiet and calm with Easter, no running around, no bossing about, just a quick meet and greet then graze. What a relief and wonderful to see.

Before it got dark, I took Easter for a walk around the yard and made a fuss of her……..

No neighing at this present time.

No more weeping at weaning time.

Calendar Girls…….

What a lovely surprise this morning on the Face Book media page  Appaloosa Calendar,  as I celebrate my birthday I also celebrate seven enjoyable years working at the Three Counties Equine Hospital LLP.

The photo below of my mares Princesse Pascale and Peyres Catori Cat take the 2015 Appaloosa Calendar month of July.



No surprise what close friends and family will be getting for Christmas. Both mares are the back bone to Redheart Appaloosas and mean so very much to me, their progeny seem to be stealing the limelight at present but today it is the Calendar Girls turn.

Redhearts together………

There is something very special that I cannot explain about being in the ring with my mother. I know she is proud of me and I know she is apprehensive about leading the babies. My mother completes the task without question and gives it her all. I am very proud of her and am thankful for her dedication in supporting me.

BApS - Grading Championships (5)


Back in the ring at Hartpury, my mother and I stood side by side in the BApS In Hand Grade Championship.

Reus was awarded Champion Grade A and Evee Reserve Champion Grade A .

BApS - Grading Championships (1)

This Championship was not declared on the card and was very much a surprise and appreciated.

Thanks to The British Appaloosa Society for exceeding the possibilities of more awards.

This award has enhanced Redheart Appaloosas, giving us another opportunity of recognition for what we are trying to achieve.

 Preserve, improve, promote and enhance The Appaloosa Breed, along with every one else who has a passion.

Thank you.




The right day……….

Arriving at Hartpury Equestrian Centre on the ‘right day’, was a good start.

Hevans EV Cattorrius & Hevans EV Pascalius were both warmed up, shown around and dressed over in time for our first class. The first thing I noticed was the amazing surface in the indoor arena, level and compact made running easier for the daisy cutter……

I will admit on this day both horses turned out exceptionally well, competing English style made a huge difference in their appearance.


British Appaloosa Society National Breed Show 2014

 Hevans EV Catorrius

As the day unfolded it was clear he was the Judges ‘type’, his manners better although he still insisted on proclaiming  “I am a two-year old colt”!  Words of wisdom from people with their own experiences,  keep telling me “don’t give up, he will grow out of it…..” I find very encouraging and I appreciate any advice given.

Reus excelled himself winning the Best Conditioned, Most Colourful Other and second in the 2 & 3-year-old Colt’s class’s. Qualifying for the Championships he won Champion Young stock and was awarded the Audrey Callis Memorial Trophy. Winning the Champion Male he was awarded the Oslo Plate and he gained Reserve Champion in Most Colourful and Champion of Champions.

Winning the Supreme In Hand Championship made the day being awarded the Linda McCartney Trophy was very special for obvious reasons.

Reus BAPS NATIONAL 2014  (4)Reus BAPS NATIONAL 2014  (6)Reus BAPS NATIONAL 2014  (19)

Reus BAPS NATIONAL 2014  (21)

Hevans EV Pascalius

Evee was placed down the line in her first class and an honourable 3rd in Most Colourful Other.

In her defence she has never experienced so many horses in one place, it took a while for my mother to settle her.

Evee BAPS NATIONAL 2014   (9)Evee BAPS NATIONAL 2014   (10)

Evee BAPS NATIONAL 2014   (3)


Thanks to my mother, by the time I entered the ring with Evee for the Yearling Filly Class she was settled and “with me”.

Evee tracked up and completed her show without putting a foot wrong.

Standing beautifully before the Judges, she was awarded a well deserved and appreciated 1st place.

Evee BAPS NATIONAL 2014   (1)

Another outstanding performance resulted in her first Champion award in the Female Championships.





This was certainly the right day for Redheart Appaloosas.

The night before, the night before …………….

Friday 15th August.

There is a lot of preparation the night before a show. Finishing work I collected my girls from their “Kids Club”, got the horses in from their fields, worked Reus, bathed and plaited him. Frank came and worked Evee, I then bathed and plaited her.  A few other jobs completed and all was good to go.

Saturday 16th August.

Fed horses at 5am, loaded and on road for 7am to Hartpury College / Equestrian Centre , it was only a short drive away which meant no pressure. Our arrival was like entering a ghost town.

Not sure how many people have done this but I can confirm I am now one person that has gone to a show a day early, better than a day late I guess.  Thankfully the short journey home was most entertaining as my children thought it was hilarious funny, as I explained it was “a trial run”

Surprised to be un-loaded at home, the horses enjoyed a relaxing walk around the lanes.


Hevans EV Pascalius

Hevans EV Pascalius

Hevans EV Cataorrius

Hevans EV Cataorrius

 “All dressed up and nowhere to go”

The worse thought;

I knew they would need bathing and plaiting the night before (again) the British Appaloosa Society National Breed Show ON Sunday 17th August 2014.


Progress at the Nationals……..

Keen to leave at 5am, I then realise it was too dark to turn Hevans EV Cateaster out into the field because she has night blindness. As soon as it was light enough Easter, Catori and PP were turned out and we loaded Hevans EV Pascalius and Hevans EV Catorrius into the lorry.

A straight run up the M5 to Warwickshire College, Moreton Morrell for the ApHC UK National Breed Show.

APHC UK NATIONALS 2014 Reus (19)

Frank very kindly warmed Reus up, he always needs to exert some energy.


Crystal ensured Evee had stretching her legs, had a good look around and was settled.








A fantastic day for Crystal and Evee, 2nd in the Yearling USA filly class, 4th in the FPD Halter female open and following in her mothers foot steps (PP) she won the UK Yearling filly class taking the APHC UK Nutland Carpet Salver. Crystal qualified for the ApHC UK young stock championship and was placed Reserve Champion. Absolutely delighted for Crystal and Evee, a promising second show and an exciting future for another potential brood mare at Redheart Appaloosa’s.


I have worked Reus hard over the last three weeks to enhance his performance at the shows. I believe this effort had paid off, he won the ApHC USA two year old colt class and the USA FPD Halter open male. He then went USA Grand Champion Stallion winning the USA bronze trophy.

In the UK class for two year old colts he took first place which qualified him for the UK Grand Champion Stallion which he won and was awarded the Tiptoe Stud Shield.

We also won the Spotless Salver in the non characteristic class.



However, he let him self down in the ApHC UK Supreme Championship, even though I believe we were in the running for Reserve (being asked for a repeat show), Reus clocked him self in the arena mirror and was very aroused by his reflection. I totally get that!


ApHC UK National Breed Show 2014

A well deserved day for the horses and a very enjoyable day had by all, topped off with a super picnic supplied by Frank. Just Brilliant.

More pictures updated on the horses pages.

Central Prefix – Our Identity…

Absolutely delighted to recieve Redheart’s prefix certificate, from Central Prefix Register.

All future home bred Redheart Appaloosa horses can now be registered with the Appaloosa Horse Club UK & The British Appaloosa Society with this prefix.




An opportunity for prospective buyers to create their own name after the Redheart prefix.





Another change made at Redheart Appaloosa’s has involved the purchase of a few sheets of ply board, a few pots of paint and the help of my daughters.

We have had great fun at the start of the School Summer Holidays making a secure “round pen” to help build the relationship with the young stock!





During (2)During (3) During.


The decorated panels should enhance a bold approach to similar surroundings in the future for the young stock.




Hevans EV PascaliusHevans EV Pascalius

Hevans EV Pascalius was amazed!



Hevans EV Catorrius (4) Hevans EV Catorrius (2)

Hevans EV Catorrius  quietly walked around looking at each design!

The round pen certainly has brightened up the training / education sessions, as we head back to basics with Reus and prepare Evee for the Appaloosa Horse Club UK National Breed Show.

Another huge relief…..

  Awaiting the following cycle after her foal heat, Peyres Catori Cat was booked in at Three Counties Equine Hospital LLP for an Artificial Insemination (AI) package with the semen from RDF Ti Kha Atta Rain.


Peyres Catori Cat - 14Day 2014Princesse Pascale - Heartbeat

     Peyres Catori Cat had her 1st pregnancy scan today,

    which proved to be positive!



                    Princesse Pascale also had a scan to  confirm a

                    heartbeat and healthy maintained pregnancy  !  






As I look out across the field I see the mares happy and content, pregnant for 2015 and my two Kiss My Finest Heart fillies growing and enjoying life……ALL THE GIRLS


What a relief, very excited about the new arrivals out of Peyres Catori Cat & Princesse Pascale by RDF Ti Kha Atta Rain.