Stallion “V” Sheep…..
/0 Comments/in DFR Patahas Redheart, Foundation Appaloosa Stallion, Hevans EV Catorrius, Redheart Catorrius, Redheart Royale /by Paula CooperOur licensed stallion Reus has his own paddock next to our two future stallions paddock.
He’s very happy and enjoys watching the young colts play, often seen having a chat over the fence.
When a flock of sheep broke into Reus’s paddock, he jumped in with Blu and Ben for support!
They rounded up the flock and chased them out…. After this ordeal, the three boys settled so well.
A rare sight to see our three boys together and the odds are in favour of our boys when Stallions “V” Sheep….
Last Show in 2016…..
/0 Comments/in DFR Patahas Redheart, Redheart Royale /by Paula CooperThroughout the year, our young stock qualified for the “One, Two and three Year Old Championship Show” held at Onley Equestrian Centre.
Although the horses didn’t look too bad, their coats had turned. After a hot bath and a little trim they looked presentable but not to our usual high standard.
We decided to take DFR Patahas Redheart (Blu) and Redheart Royale (Ben). I ran Ben and Lisa Randle ran Blu, both colts gave a good show but today it’s simple….we were beaten by better horses. We had a really good fun day and delighted with both colts performance especially being stabled away from home for the first time, every day is a school day!
Blu took a third in colts, Ben fourth and then Ben took a third in the yearlings class with Blu fourth.
Pedigree’s and hypothetical mating’s…….
/0 Comments/in Appaloosa Horse Club UK, British Appaloosa Society, Caricks Redheart, DFR Patahas Redheart, Foundation Appaloosa Mare, Foundation Appaloosa Stallion, Hevans EV Catorrius, Peyres Catori Cat, Princesse Pascale, Redheart Catorrius, Redheart Pascalius, Redheart Regal, Redheart Royale /by Paula CooperRedheart pedigree’s and hypothetical matings.
All Breed Database:
2017 foals for sale
Hypothetical 2018 foals for sale
*Subject to Stallion Licensing
Keeping Calm, Nothing Stay’s The Same……
/0 Comments/in DFR Patahas Redheart, Foundation Appaloosa Mare, Foundation Appaloosa Stallion, Hevans EV Catorrius, Peyres Catori Cat, Princesse Pascale, Redheart Catorrius, Redheart Pascalius, Redheart Regal, Redheart Royale /by Paula CooperIf you have moved house you know the stress levels, if you have moved farms, you know moving house is easy!
The Mares Paddock
Princesse Pascale and her daughter Redheart Pascalius
Peyres Catori Cat and her daughter Redheart Regal
The Colts Paddock
The Stallion Paddock
Redheart Catorrius / Hevans EV Catorrius
along with the “lawn mowers”, Catkin & Evan
Back up….
Ruby & Grace, “the security”.
Ink, the “hunter”.
Each paddock has at least two sides if not three surrounded by mature hedging and trees for shelter, the land has a slight gradient which should allow for adequate drainage and hopefully minimize poaching? See what the winter brings?
Just need to Keep Calm as nothing stay’s the same….
Show Season Highlight…….
/0 Comments/in Appaloosa Horse Club UK, DFR Patahas Redheart, Foundation Appaloosa Mare, Redheart Pascalius /by Paula CooperOne of the main highlights of the show season is the Appaloosa Horses Club UK National show. A two-day event that caters for every Appaloosa enthusiast.
This year we took our two GAP 5 horses, Redheart Pascalius and DFR Patahas Redheart. I participated with both horses in the Appaloosa Horse Club classes while Crystal participated both horses in the Appaloosa Horses Club UK classes. On this occasion, backed up by a young lady Amilie, who has caught the Appaloosa “bug”.
Another wonderful day showing, we both achieved a few awards and congratulate all the other competitors.
Already looking forward to the 2017 National Show……
Three Yearling’s, Three Events, Three Wins at Three Counties………
/0 Comments/in DFR Patahas Redheart, Foundation Appaloosa Mare, Foundation Appaloosa Stallion, Redheart Regal, Redheart Royale /by Paula CooperThe three B’s….
Blu, Ben and Blanc, our 2016 yearlings experiencing their first shows!
Since weaning, our three yearlings have been under gentle education without knowing it….There is never a right time to take a yearling to its first show, their growth spurts can change over night. One minute they look fantastic and the next bum high and weedy looking!
You can do all the prep work at home but on the day it really can go either way? We try to travel to “local” events and take the day as it unfolds. We always attempt to arrive early enough to allow our yearlings to settle and adjust to their surroundings. So here we are….
DFR Patahas Redheart aka Blu had his début outing at the HOPE Show (Horse Owners and Pony Exhibitors) held at Three Counties Show ground on Sunday 26th June.
He was an absolute dream, all he wanted to do was eat the grass but make no mistake it was a nervous eating that we were fully aware of. So we let him eat, in the ring I believe he was so full he was quite lethargic but none the less he stood for the judge, trotted straight, balanced and generally an absolute star.
Our next début outing was Redheart Regal aka Blanc. This filly as you can imagine took a bit of elbow grease to get clean! Again we entered a local show at Three Counties Show Ground but this time it was an Open Gala Show on the 9th July. Blanc seemed bold and was a bit of a handful at first but as the other horses started to arrive she switched off and ate the grass. She, “honestly”, was adorable, never put a foot wrong although in one class we did struggle to trot past “our grazing area”, a mistake I will not make again! Luckily, our last class was in a different ring, she trotted with absolute perfection so we ended on a very happy note.
The highlight of our day was when Lisa Randle who owns Tamino Warrior the Appaloosa Horse Club UK Performance Champion 2014/15 asked me if I would like to compete Warrior in the Tiddler’s Challenge….it’s been a long time since I have ridden but I rose to the challenge without question! Great fun, thank you Lisa!

Redheart Royale meets Tamino Warrior!
The third début outing was with BEN! Redheart Royale. Throughout the day Ben never did anything wrong in his performance, he stood, trotted and did himself proud. The only thing he did was consistently shout and scream at the Spot Fest Festival held at Three Counties Show Ground on the 16th July. Doesn’t help when horses answer back but one thing we did realise, Ben can smell a filly in season already!
A good start to their showing campaign and a relief in getting our yearlings out, about and home safe.
Three Yearling’s, Three Events, Three Wins at Three Counties…………
Interesting Links
- All Breed Database
- IJ Equine Photography
- Real Time Imaging
- Top Shots Photography
- American Appaloosa Association
- Western Equestrian Society (WES)
- NAK Sports Images
- Amy Griffiths Photography
- LG Media & Marketing
- Redheart Appaloosa Facebook Page
- The Appaloosa Museum
- Redheart Appaloosa Semen Sales Facebook Page
- Appaloosa Horse Club UK (ApHC UK)
- Sundance 500 International
- Alison James Photography
- The British Appaloosa Society (BApS)
- Three Counties Equine Hospital
- Animal Genetics UK
- AG Horse Transport (Adam Gibson Equine Horse Transport)
- The Appaloosa Project
- Mountain Media
- Etalon Diagnostics
- University of California Davis
- Foundation Appaloosa Horse Registry (FAHR)
- Animal Genetics USA
- Equi-BlingUK
- International Colored Appaloosa Association, Inc
- Simon Coates Photography
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Latest News
- What a fabulous start to 2025 January 9, 2025
- Happy New Year 2025 January 1, 2025
- Bottoms Up @ New Year – 2024 December 31, 2023
- Foundation Appaloosa Semen Available 2024 (LP/LP PATN1/PATN1) – ALL MARES December 17, 2023
- The Redheart Stallions Receive Appaloosa Horse Club UK (ApHC UK) Accomplishments December 24, 2022