The Build Up To Foaling…..
/0 Comments/in Foundation Appaloosa Mare, Foundation Appaloosa Stallion, Hevans EV Catorrius, Kiss My Finest Heart, Peyres Catori Cat, Princesse Pascale, Redheart Catorrius /by Paula CooperPrincesse Pascale and Peyres Catori Cat are now carrying low and are slowly showing all the right signs of foaling.
We have our new sensor motion camera, I receive instant image updates sent to my phone and can view the mares live at any time, anywhere. Modern technology is great but it can become quite addictive….
The mares, keeping their legs crossed!
The broodmares at 344 days.
Foaling is far from imminent but The Build Up is exciting….
Alles Gute zum Geburtstag PP…..
/0 Comments/in Appaloosa Horse Club, Appaloosa Horse Club UK, British Appaloosa Society, Foundation Appaloosa Mare, Princesse Pascale, Redheart Pascalius, Redheart Royale /by Paula Cooper13th April 2009
The Derflinger Appaloosa Stud in Austria produced this wonderful foal.
14th February 2010
A wonderful trip to Austria to collect our new family member!
7th August 2010
The ApHC UK National show gave her, UK & USA yearling filly titles.
As a yearling, PP’s début outing at County level achieved her a third place.
At two years old, PP accomplished her first Championship.
At three years, she won three Reserve Championships under the British Appaloosa Society.
Finishing her in hand young stock days, she was inseminated with semen from Kiss My Finest Heart.
PP became a superior broodmare.
April 21st saw the safe delivery of Redheart Pascalius.
Unfortunately, mother nature decided against her insemination for a 2014 pregnancy
She enjoyed being a broodmare and confirmed in foal with semen from RDF Ti Khi Atta Rain.
PP gave birth to a gorgeous colt and continued as an excellent mother.
9th May 2016
PP was inseminated with frozen semen from Hevans EV Catorrius / Redheart Catorrius.
13th April 2017
Today, PP is 339 days pregnant and looking absolutely gorgeous.
Happy Birthday PP
Alles Gute zum Geburtstag PP…..
335 Days – 2017 Foaling Count Down…..
/0 Comments/in Appaloosa Horse Club, Appaloosa Horse Club UK, British Appaloosa Society, Foreign Breeds, Foundation Appaloosa Mare, Foundation Appaloosa Stallion, Hevans EV Catorrius, Kiss My Finest Heart, Peyres Catori Cat, Princesse Pascale, Redheart Catorrius /by Paula CooperIt’s one week until Princess Pascale and Peyres Catori Cat reach their 342 (average) foaling date.
We are under no illusion they will foal next Sunday, we are not expecting them to foal on the same day just because they were inseminated on the same day. What we’re hoping for, is two safe deliveries this month or even next month?
Both mares have been in their new day and night routine for over a month, they are very much set in their new routine.
I am sure if they could open doors and gates they would walk themselves in and out!
Both mares are bagging up.
At the end of the day, the foal will decide the day.
The mares will decide the time.
2017 Foaling Count Down…..
Castrating Reus – Job Done!
/0 Comments/in Foundation Appaloosa Stallion, Hevans EV Catorrius, Redheart Catorrius /by Paula CooperAfter storing frozen semen from Reus it was always my intention to castrate him. Things were a little crazy last year when we planned to castrate him but this spring the opportunity arose.
Mr. Andrew Harrison BVSc CertEP CertVA MRCVS, one of the course organizers for “Practical Sedation and Field Anaesthesia – the essentials”. The aim of the course was to equip delegates with the practical techniques and theoretical understanding needed to confidently and competently provide sedation and anesthesia for ‘field’ surgery and diagnosis.
Because Reus has covered mares and is an older stallion, it was advised for him to have a closed castration under general anesthetic. This method of castration involves suturing, sealing off the blood vessels that supply the testicles and seals off the vaginal tunic covering the testicle, minimizing the risk of post-operative herniation.
Other two-year-old colts had open castration’s, completed outside “in the field” under general anesthetic, this method does not involve suturing, the wound is left open and allowed to drain naturally.
Neil Townsend MSc BVSc Cert ES (Soft Tissue) DipECVS DipEVDC (Equine) MRCVS RCVS Specialist in Equine Surgery European Specialist in Equine Dentistry was Reus’s surgeon. With Andrew and Neil at Reus’s side, I had no doubt he was in the most capable hands, although it didn’t stop me stressing!
The day….
It was the most glorious day and the course was well attended, here are a few pictures of Reus’s day. Many thanks to those who very kindly provided the footage, there was no way with my “heart-strings” attached to this horse could I participate.
Reus at the Three Counties Equine Hospital, the night before.
Once anesthetized, the surgery began.
One of my colleagues named Annie gave Reus a good scrub with a smile….
Neil did a very neat job of cutting the scrotum away.
The spermatic cords and blood vessels, cut and crushed using a pair of emasculators.
All sutured up.
The general anesthetic, the surgery, and his recovery had all gone to plan.
Reus back in his stable, albeit looking a little confused!
Returning home, out in his paddock for a little self-exercising, very settled and comfortable.
I hope Reus proved an asset for the course and its delegates.
A huge thank you to Andrew and Neil for completing the successful operation.
Also, many thanks to all the supporting staff at Three Counties Equine Hospital.
Job done!
How I work out my Appaloosas Foundation Pedigree Designation (FPD) percentage.
/0 Comments/in Appaloosa Horse Club, Foundation Appaloosa Mare, Foundation Appaloosa Stallion, The Stud /by Paula CooperThe Appaloosa Horse Club (ApHC) created the Foundation Pedigree Designation (FPD) program is represented by the percentage of registered Appaloosa ancestors for a particular horse. As a Foundation breeder, I’m responsible to work out if an Appaloosa pedigree fulfils our criteria, there are obviously many other factors involved but one factor I adhere to is breeding forward for Appaloosa purity.
For many years the Appaloosa has been bred to Arabs, Thoroughbred’s and Quarter Horses and the resulting progeny are registered as an Appaloosas! The FPD program is recognition of Appaloosa to Appaloosa blood. The Arabs, Thoroughbreds and Quarter horses are left in the 5th generation, although the 4th generation of an FPD Appaloosa can be of registered Appaloosa who’s parents (in the 5th generation) were not Appaloosas. This doesn’t make the 4th generation pure but a program must start somewhere! A program devised to encourage breeders to breed forward, before the purebred Appaloosa’s is lost…..
The below pedigree is our new filly Caricks Redheart (Myka). Having worked out her FPD percentage, enabled me to plan her future with our resident future stallion DFR Patahas Redheart. The resulting foals will be 100% FPD along with many other qualities, they both should contribute!
To be eligible for the FPD program, the horse must be registered with the ApHC, Myka is unable to be registered at the present time because we are waiting for her dam LAMBRIGG DOLLAR GIRL to be registered. Once the dam is registered, Myka’s pedigree will meet the entry requirements. Her registration and application for the FPD program can be submitted together.
A minimum of three (3) of these ancestors on both sire and dam sides of the pedigree.
Two ancestors from generation 2 – OUTLINED RED
Two ancestors from generation 3 – OUTLINED BLUE
Two ancestors from generation 4 – OUTLINED GREEN
One (1) from the Sire side following on from generation 3, either KEMOS FIRE SHADOW, PRATTS C GIRLS IM, WAKONS NAVAJO EAGLE or YAKIMA SIS W. One (1) from the Dam side following on from generation 3,either READY MONEY, ALDER SUNDANCER, INCREDIBLUE TOO or LAVENDER BLUE GB.
ApHC-Registered Year Percentage Ancestors Required
Prior to 2003 – 50% – 14 horses
** 2004 to 2008 ………… 73% …………… 22 horses **
**** 2009 ……………………….77% …………………………… 23 horses ****
2019 ……………………….80% …………………………… 24
2029 ……………………….83% …………………………… 25
2039 ……………………….87% …………………………… 26
2049 ……………………….90% …………………………… 27
2059 ……………………….93% …………………………… 28
2069 ……………………….97% …………………………… 29
* 2079 ………………………100% ………………………….. 30 *
Depending on what year the horse was born, dictates the FPD percentage it enters the program. Myka was born in 2014, her entry requirement is 23 registered ApHC horses **** The 23 horses are OUTLINED YELLOW in the pedigree and there’s no order to choose the registered horses in the 5th generation.
By adding the further 6 ApHC registered horses in her 5th generation, OUTLINED BLACK we increase her FPD percentage. There are 28/30 ApHC registered horses in Myka’s pedigree, the entry criteria 77% and the extra 6 registered Appaloosa’s increase her FPD percentage from 77% to 93%.
The horse is in the 5th generation named “Appaloosa”, OUTLINED PINK is not registered and the other horse named “Mary-Mate”, OUTLINED ORANGE is a Thoroughbred that is registered with the ApHC but as a non-Appaloosa. Both these horses are not recognized within the FPD program.
The mathematical workings……
* There are 30 horses in a 5 generation pedigree (excluding the applicant) = 100% FPD *
Each horses percentage = (100% divided by 30 horses = 3.33333333) 3.34%
Horses born before 2003
Must have 14/30 registered horses in their pedigree, entering the program at 50%, ie. Generations 2, 3 and 4 must all be registered Appaloosa ApHC horses (14 x 3.34 = 46.76, rounded up) = 50%
Horses born from 2004 to 2008
Must have 22/30 registered ApHC horses in their pedigree, entering the program at 73%. ie Generation 2, 3, and 4 (14 horses) plus any eight horses from the 5th generation. (22 x 3.34 = 73.48) rounded down = 73%
Horses born in 2009
Must have 23/30 registered ApHC horses in their pedigree. ie. Generations 2,3 and 4 (14 horses) plus any nine horses from the 5th generation. (23 x 3.34 = 76.82) rounded up = 77%.
Every ten years forward from 2009, the program will require one (1) extra registered ApHC horse in its pedigree.
So, we know Myka is eligible and we know she has a total of 28 registered Appaloosas in her pedigree. We believe Myka will have an FPD percentage of (28 x 3.34 = 93.352, rounded down ) 93% FPD – UNCONFIRMED but * NOW CONFIRMED *
Further confirmed examples…
Here is the pedigree of our mare, Peyres Catori Cat. She is enrolled in the FPD program at 90%. Born in 2008, she required 22/30 ** horses to be registered with the ApHC. The total number of registered Appaloosas in her pedigree is actually 27/30.
Entering the programme at 73% (22 horses) plus the extra 5 (27 x 3.334 = 90.018) rounded down = 90%
The non-registered Appaloosas in Peyres Catori Cat’s pedigree are;
4th generation – QAR MISS PLAYGIRL ApHCC – R32368
5th generation – PAPA BLUEBERRY ApHCC – 11656
5TH generation – SONNY JO’S PLAYGIRL – ApHCC – 14507
We bred the above mare to a 100% FPD stallion, increasing the number of registered horses in the 5th generation. Below is the pedigree of the resulting foal, Hevans EV Catorrius who is enrolled in the FPD program at 97%. Born in 2012, his FPD entry required one more registered Appaloosa than his dam, 23 horses / 77% FPD. Only breeding one generation forward will remove the non-registered Appaloosa QAR MISS PLAYGIRL for FPD purposes, creating 100% FPD foals.
Here is the pedigree of our mare Princesse Pascale, enrolled in the FPD program at 100%
Quite easy, she has 30/30 registered Appaloosas with ApHC = 100% FPD. (30 X 3.334=100.02) rounded down 100% We are expecting a foal next month from Princesse Pascale (100% FPD) x Hevans EV Catorrius (97% FPD).
The resulting foal’s 5 generation pedigree will be 30/30 registered Appaloosas, 100% FPD.
We plan to cover Princess Pascale (100% FPD) with DFR Patahs Redheart (100% FPD) in the future, thus creating not only a 100% FPD foal but a foal eligible for the ApHC Generation Advancement Program (GAP 5).
That’s another update!!!
Just something to think about when breeding!
Full siblings with different FPD percentages…
Imagine a foal born in 2008 with 22 registered Appaloosas in its pedigree. It meets the entry level in place at that time of its birth and is enrolled in the FPD program at 77%. The following year the same mating produces a full sibling, again with 22 registered ApHC horses in the pedigree. The entry level for horses born in 2009 is 23 horses, this means the full sibling is not eligible for the FPD program…..
Always good to know your Foundation Pedigree Designation (FPD) percentages.
Bye, Bye Our Beautiful Ben……
/1 Comment/in Foundation Appaloosa Stallion, Redheart Royale /by Paula CooperIt is with great sadness I write….
Our gorgeous Ben suffered an accident in his paddock which left him with severe signs of ataxia. We are not sure what he did or how it happened, we are absolutely devastated.
The decision was made for us, Ben was put to sleep this evening by the very Vet Ben, who brought him into this world! Such a painful and upsetting task to complete for us all.
We adored Ben, he was such a handsome colt that oozed presence, he was extremely kind natured, inquisitive and friendly.
This is the last picture of Ben, only two weeks ago…so happy and perfect!
Redheart Royale – R.I.P
A huge loss for the Redheart Appaloosa Stud, Run free with our beautiful Easter…..
They bring us so much joy, yet create so much pain!
Breeding Special – The UK’s Western Riding Magazine……
/0 Comments/in Foundation Appaloosa Mare, Foundation Appaloosa Stallion /by Paula CooperWhen it comes to advertising and promoting the Appaloosa, we don’t need much encouragement.
Please note; A typo error for Redheart Regal – 97% not 100% FPD. Apologies.
The Western Horse UK is the UK’s leading Western riding magazine and covers all western breeds and disciplines.
Their February issue is a Breeding Special and as Redheart Appaloosas excel in the pure breed status here in the UK, we were proud to see one of our broodmares, Peyres Catori Cat on their front cover.
A superior read…..
Where’s Ben….
/0 Comments/in Foundation Appaloosa Stallion, Redheart Royale /by Paula CooperBen’s paddock is at the back of our house, his favorite spot is between two trees where he is able to have a good scratch….he’s in the same place every morning. One call out of the bedroom window and he responds with a neigh, yes I know it means “where’s my breakfast” but none the less he makes me smile.
Interesting Links
- Western Equestrian Society (WES)
- University of California Davis
- AG Horse Transport (Adam Gibson Equine Horse Transport)
- Real Time Imaging
- American Appaloosa Association
- Equi-BlingUK
- IJ Equine Photography
- Alison James Photography
- The British Appaloosa Society (BApS)
- All Breed Database
- Animal Genetics USA
- LG Media & Marketing
- Sundance 500 International
- Three Counties Equine Hospital
- Animal Genetics UK
- The Appaloosa Project
- Appaloosa Horse Club UK (ApHC UK)
- Etalon Diagnostics
- Top Shots Photography
- Simon Coates Photography
- International Colored Appaloosa Association, Inc
- Amy Griffiths Photography
- Redheart Appaloosa Facebook Page
- Foundation Appaloosa Horse Registry (FAHR)
- Redheart Appaloosa Semen Sales Facebook Page
- NAK Sports Images
- Mountain Media
- The Appaloosa Museum
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Latest News
- What a fabulous start to 2025 January 9, 2025
- Happy New Year 2025 January 1, 2025
- Bottoms Up @ New Year – 2024 December 31, 2023
- Foundation Appaloosa Semen Available 2024 (LP/LP PATN1/PATN1) – ALL MARES December 17, 2023
- The Redheart Stallions Receive Appaloosa Horse Club UK (ApHC UK) Accomplishments December 24, 2022