Redheart Appaloosas at Royal Three Counties….
At the foot at the Malvern Hills in Worcestershire, we always enjoy this wonderful County Show with or without horses.
With Redheart Pascalius and Redheart Catorrius entered, it was a blessing they were still clean and braided from the day before and ready to go. Arriving no more than 15 minutes after leaving home, we arrived an hour before our class.
The horses were unloaded and warmed up.
To our disappointment the ring was already an hour behind but it gave Evee and Reus an excuse to graze.
We had an enjoyable 30 minutes competing in the British Appaloosa Society main register young stock class.
Reus taking a first with Evee in second.
We then took the Championship in the same order.
The wonderful thing about County Shows is the other attractions available for the family.
Again, my children took full advantage of our day out!