Keep an eye on us……..

2015 is here and Redheart Appaloosas wish you all the very best.

The past is the past and nothing can be changed but on reflection all the horses have exceeded themselves and can only progress further. We had an exciting year full of ups and downs just like everyone else but we are all looking up at the same stars.

The memberships are renewed and the 2015 diary is slowly being edited for the show circuit ahead. The promotional advertising is currently in the making and my Christmas show shirt for 2015 has arrived.




Heavans EV Catorrius

Reus will compete in the three-year old colt section this season, having a fruitful 2014 he has nothing to prove and we look forward to the prospect of licensing him as a Stallion later this year.



Redheart Pascallius

Evee, had a nice introduction to the showing world in 2014. We look forward to her development during her two-year old season ahead.



Redheart Cateaster

Easter, now a yearling and is a precocious compact filly. 2015 will be start of her showing campaign.



Peyres Catori Cat

Catori proved to be an excellent broodmare yet again in 2014. We greatly look forward to the safe arrival of her foal in May 2015.



Princesse Pascale

PP is was confirmed pregnant in 2014. We are excited to view the safe arrival of Redheart’s first Foundation foal.


Princesse Pascale

Follow the future of these Registered Appaloosas as we aim to enhance the Foundation Blood Lines and prove their quality under the judges eye.

Or just Keep an eye on us……..



Dawn to Dusk………….

 At Redhearts, we are no different to any another horse owner during these winter months, finding the long months a challenge. Irrespective if your horse/s live in and worked or live out or come in during the night, the work load is immense. The commitment to strive through the elements of the weather is the small price you pay for the satisfaction of being a horse owner. Taking on the frozen pipes, the extra manure due to the longer hours spent in the stable and ad lib hay. Not to mention the muddy fields……..I could go on!

None the less I look forward to the winter, “letting the horses down”, letting them get muddy, grow a winter coat and be “horses” is all part of their education, especially for the young stock, I believe this is one factor of many that is key to their future.

Although I find it a challenge, with work, the school runs and general family life, it is only what I know now. The race against the day light hours,I find preparation and organisation at the weekends without compromising the care of the horses makes life easier. Long gone are my days of changing rugs and warming the bit up…..

Today the sun shone and I had time to take some up to date images. It is amazing to see what a bit of sun can do, the young stock certainly had fun……

The broodmares grazed….

The Redheart fillies played……

Reus constantly annoyed the pony……..


Despite a thick  dirty coat, an over grown mane and  splashed with mud, he still looks a “handsome two-year old colt”…..



Who is the Appaloosa?


The cold dry days are far more enjoyable than the wet windy ones and the horses actions support this quite clearly.

The race against the clock from Dawn to Dusk has been captured beautifully by my very patient daughters.


Dawn, the time that marks the beginning of the twilight before the sunrise, time to get those horses out… aid of Easter because of her night blindness.

Dusk, during early stages of twilight, there is enough light in the sky under clear-sky conditions to get the horses in without the aid of a torch….


When twilight sets the scene, when the Sun itself is not directly visible because it is below the horizon, it’s the countdown to wash your boots and lock up……

The boys are out…….

Let me introduce you to Katkin 2, a Section A gelding about ten years old that belongs to my daughters, Millicent and Jasmin. They love him dearly and he will stay with us until the end.

He experienced a trauma in his younger days and so we keep him as a lawn mower. He has no other use until now.


Since Reus was weaned he always has been in his own secure paddock with a view of the girls, Katkin on the other hand has been kept on a postage stamp of grass due to him being such a good doer. The girls only treat him as a pet.

Now the grass has gone and we have been left with a muddy winter paddock (keeping Reus paddock clean for the spring) I decided to introduce Reus to Katkin. They have met over the stable door on many occasions with a lot of shouting and screaming. Katkin is a very dominant pony and I didn’t want Reus to get hurt but on the other hand Katkin doesn’t deserve a hormonal colt playing a little too rough with him.

Today I took Reus out into Katkins paddock on a lunge line, it was very entertaining as Reus insisted on wanting to “play” with Katkin, a colts play is unique and was not welcomed by Katkin who constantly reprimanded him. Its was at least two hours before I let Reus go and was happy that they would play “nicely”. Eventually Katkin gave Reus “what for”, thank fully no injuries and Reus has been put down the pecking order.

Best friends…..

Never did I think Katkin would be the Boss, none the less they are both living a happier life and are now like two old men…….

On a High………..

Our last event for 2014 showing season,

High Horse Showing Society Championship Gala at Rodbaston Equestrian Centre.

Being the third lorry to enter the show ground, we soon got our bearings of this well-organized event. There were three rings running, delighted to find our ring outside far from the novice area, with so many children and ponies around it was a huge relief to know Reus and I would be out of their way.

Waiting quietly for our first class….

The morning was dry and sunny, all the horses were gleaming and Reus was no exception, starting with a 4th in the Best Turned Out and the Open Young Stock any breed. Obtaining  2nd place in the Best Stallion / Colt qualified us into the Evening Championship.


With eight or so classes to go before our next class The Appaloosa / Spotted, we put Reus back on the lorry.

As we sat back to relax, we watched my children entertain us, an idea taken from “A” another……horse!


By the time we entered the Appaloosa class, Reus was an absolute dream to handle.

He had urinated on the lorry which I have noticed at the previous two shows makes a huge difference to his concentration and performance.

This proved to be an asset for the next two classes, winning the Appaloosa / Spotted and the Hunter Type Horse / Pony.


Absolutely delighted and very proud of his performance.

With hours prior to the evening Championship, Reus was grazed in hand as a reward!

Winner of Hunter Type Class

Winner of Appaloosa Class

As it got dark we headed over to the warm up ring, everyone who had qualified were dressed up with their top hats and evening wear.

 After taking his rug off, one thing Reus was quite keen to do……….get down and roll!

Quite amusing for the spectators as he got himself into some entertaining shapes.

The loud music is always enough to lift the spirits late at night, over 60 competitors headed into the evening performance.



Champion Appaloosa 2014

 It had been a very long day and to be awarded Champion Appaloosa left me On a high……..

Foreign and Rare……….

Today we travelled to the Royal London Show held at Onley Equestrian Centre near Rugby.

Our first visit to this show ground was five years ago, each year structural improvements have been made but this year I can honestly say the development has increased the premises to a higher standard.

The schedule offers many classes to suit the “spotted” horse, we have successfully competed Peyres Catori Cat and Princesse Pascale in earlier years but Reus doesn’t fit the criteria – No Spots.


The “Spotted” Championship at Royal London Show 2014


Foreign and Rare Breeds in hand young stock.

   ROYAL LONDON 2014 (3) ROYAL LONDON 2014 (4) ROYAL LONDON 2014 (2) ROYAL LONDON 2014 (7) ROYAL LONDON 2014 (8) ROYAL LONDON 2014 (9)


Delighted to say we won.

ROYAL LONDON 2014 (10)


 We were unsuccessful in the evening under spot lights with loud music but we had a very enjoyable day.

ROYAL LONDON 2014 (12)

The Evening Performance


Representing “The Appaloosa” in the Rare & Foreign Breeds at Royal London Show 2014