As You Would Expect To Buy A Horse….

So, we have created a foal by choosing a sire and mare that compliment each other.

Reus & PP have created Reality.

He was born alive and healthy so we are off to a good start.

The Vet completed the passport ID form and the microchip implanted.

Following a recently published veterinary paper, we have started a new worming protocol for our foals.

The passport photos submitted and the registration form completed.

From birth, Reality has encountered the farrier several times, socialized within the herd and humans.

He accepts his head collar and will lead and recently been weaned and undergone castration.

The vaccination course has started and yet in my book he is still not ready to sell!!!

How about loading and traveling?

Well, our lorry is being utilized for storage and until I can teach Reality to load and travel he’s not going anywhere!

Reality is registered with the British Appaloosa Society within their Main Stud Book. He is registered with the Appaloosa Horse Club UK within their main “A” register. He has 30/30 Appaloosa’s in his 5 generation pedigree which makes him 100% Foundation Pedigree Designated within the Appaloosa Horse Club.

A stunning, correct gelding that should make 16hh. Both Dam and Sire can be seen here at the Stud and Reality would sure welcome a visit…



Redheart Foals Date with Castration…

Regent and Reality have now been successfully castrated.

We worked night and day to complete two of our ten box’s, the date made and the deed complete.

It is never taken for granted the complications that can occur after castration, thankfully Regent and Reality recovered very well from the procedure and hopefully will grow slightly taller as their growth plates will now take longer to close. One reason for castrating these boys early!

Redheart Pascalius – 2016 IN HAND PERFORMANCE RESULTS….

Every year we sign up to and compete in the Inhand Performance under The British Appaloosa Society, Appaloosa Horse Club UK, and the United Saddlebred Association.  

Our home-bred filly, Redheart Pascalius finished her in hand showing campaign last year. We are proud to add these awards to her Performance Record, a credit to her as a young filly and worthy of her joining our broodmares.

A Reserve Champion certificate from the Appaloosa Horse Club UK for their Open Appaloosa Horse Club Performance Awards.

Two beautiful rosettes from The British Appaloosa Society, the Highest Points for Youngstock and the Inhand Section.

From the United Saddlebred Association, she received a Champion certificate for their non-saddle bred Inhand and utility classes along with two gorgeous sashes.

We are aiming to cover her with DFR PATAHAS REDHEART early next year, the resulting foal will be black based (AA ee) with 6 generations of Appaloosa (GAP 6). 

Thank you to the Societies for sending such lovely memorabilia.



Another quality mare for our breeding programme!

Appaloosa Horse Club UK National Breed Show 2017….

The ApHC UK National Breed Show, one show we very much enjoy and look forward to each year, held at Morton Morell College, Warwickshire.

A two-day event with in-hand classes on the first day followed by an eventful and entertaining social evening and riding classes on the second day. Having young stock, we only take part on the first day but hopefully, we will compete for under-saddle in the next year or so. With over 77 horses entered, it was and always is a wonderful sight.

DFR Patahas Redheart (Blu) and Caricks Redheart (Myka) were entered in a few utility classes to warm up before proceeding with their respective colour, age, and gender classes.

After prepping Amelie on her day ahead, I quickly cleaned Myka’s behind as she was in-season, took Blu from his stable as we headed for our first class, Western Best Condition/Turnout.  Blu took the first place and Myka took the second.

Outside, under the UK Judge, Myka won a well deserved second place in the Non-Characteristic Open class.

Blu and I continued with his colour classes indoors under the USA Judge, the lineup (nose to tail) was parallel to the mirrors. Blu was too small last year to see himself but this year his was quite impressed with his reflection, constantly but quietly neighing in that hormonal stallion voice! I purposely entered the ring first to avoid standing behind another horse but then realized he was looking at himself in the mirror ahead too!

Well, little did I know at that time but it was me who was causing him to be aroused by the smell of Myka on my hands….This caused him to try and mount me but like I said, at that time I thought he was just being a hormonal two-year-old colt and reared, not that he has reared before, none the less he was reprimanded. We only realized what we had done when we saw these pictures from Simon Coates Photography, it happened so quickly and I never thought it happened like this though.

I can not and do not blame Blu, he is such a sweet, quiet and sensible colt, a lesson learned by myself though.

After his discipline, he was quieter but would not give me my space, if I had known at this time I would, of course, washed my hands but I didn’t, so we proceeded with a challenge in his following classes.

The USA Two-Year-Old Colt Class, we took a second place and Reserve Champion.

He was much better outside, we took a second place and Reserve Champion under the UK Jude for the Two-Year Old Colts.



I ran Myka in her USA classes, Open Female FPD Halter, second place and she won the Three-Year-Old Fillies.


Mykas last class was the UK Three Year Old Fillies, she was presented with a win and the Freckles Trophy.

Looking forward to the 2018 ApHC UK National Breed Show already!

A Non Characteristic Redheart Mare….

When looking to buy an Appaloosa, there are many factors to consider.

To breed Appaloosas, they need to be registered. We like to triple register our horses with the British Appaloosa Society, the Appaloosa Horse Club, and Appaloosa Horse Club UK.

It takes time, the basic’s are quality ID photographs, DNA, specific clear genetics, and parental verification along with a Veterinary identification form.

Today we received these documents, confirming Caricks Redheart’s registration details and pedigree. The Performance Permit allows her to compete against colorful Appaloosa. As I previously worked out, her Foundation Pedigree Designation is 93%, always good to have it confirmed.

Hanbury Countryside Show – 2017

I could not believe there’s a lovely show only 10 minutes down the road from us. I could not believe how big the show is and I could not believe DFR Patahas Redheart won a class from ” Alternative Coloureds”.

Absolutely thrilled to bits to have taken the first place over Spotted, Dun’s, Roan’s, Pinaloosa’s, Palomino’s etc

Just a quick hour out for Blu to try to take a bit “colty” behaviour out of him before a big show tomorrow!


Appaloosa Horse Club UK – Spring Show 2017

After Amelie’s trial run last week with Caricks Redheart (Myka), today they put it into practice and represented the Redheart Appaloosa Stud proudly. They have created a lovely bond and today we were at the ApHC UK Spring Show held at Merrist Woods Equestrian Centre.

With Myka and DRF Patahas Redheart (Blu) on the lorry, we set off for Surrey at stupid O’clock as do most equine enthusiasts! Our early arrival enabled me to give Amelie and the horses a tour of the showground whilst allowing the horses to stretch their legs.

Our first class was the Most Colourful (open to ApHC UK A, B & NC) Myka took at 3rd place with Blu taking the first place, a great start to our morning.

Blu then won his Stallion class followed by the Championship. Next on the list was Myka and I, in the fillies class, being awarded a first place, followed by a Reserve Champion Female. This filly does not put a foot wrong, I am sure she will make a splendid broodmare here at the Stud.

Both young stock went forward for the Youngstock Championship, Blu went Champion and finished his English classes as Supreme Champion. Later he went forward for his USA classes, taking a first in the ApHC USA registered Colts, Stallions and Geldings any age.  Such a wonderful day, it couldn’t get any better then he won his class and went Male Champion USA.

Amelie and Myka continued their partnership in the Potential Sports Horse Youngstock and the Open Sports Horse Type, taking a 3rd and 4th retrospectively.

It was a humid day and very warm indoors, the atmosphere was delightful as always and the horses really fulfilled my dreams. One thing I will always remember this show for….the day when the Judge, Julia Ryde-Rodgers request we all complete our shows, off the cuff. I have never been presented with this situation and quickly reverted to a basic dressage test. Allowing the Judge to see the horse under control at walk, trot and halt on both reins, we added a few tight circles along with a few steps back, it went well. Such good humor and a twist to our day which made the class very, very enjoyable, thanks to a creative Judge.

Here are a few pictures but we have loaded more on the individual horse’s page.




Redheart Regent is Born….

Peyres Catori Cat x Kiss My Finest Heart 97% FPD Colt

Full sibling to our stallion, Reus.

Our Vet, John Campbell at Three Counties Equine Hospital who sex scanned Catori was right, a COLT!

Although Catori was uncomfortable for 12 hours before giving birth, veterinary examination either end of the day confirmed the foals knees were situated high in Catori’s pelvis. After the foal had repositioned himself, Catori’s foaling was very straight forward at 11.45 pm on the 21st April!!!!

By 3 am, she had cleansed, passing a fully intact placenta and Regent was up nursing.

Mother Nature, is wonderful and Catori is a wonderful mother herself.

Redheart Regent is Born….

Alles Gute zum Geburtstag PP…..

13th April 2009

 The Derflinger Appaloosa Stud in Austria produced this wonderful foal.

14th February 2010

 A wonderful trip to Austria to collect our new family member!

7th August 2010

The ApHC UK National show gave her, UK & USA yearling filly titles.

As a yearling, PP’s début outing at County level achieved her a third place.


At two years old, PP accomplished her first Championship.


At three years, she won three Reserve Championships under the British Appaloosa Society.

Finishing her in hand young stock days, she was inseminated with semen from Kiss My Finest Heart.


PP became a superior broodmare.

April 21st saw the safe delivery of Redheart Pascalius.

Unfortunately, mother nature decided against her insemination for a 2014 pregnancy


She enjoyed being a broodmare and confirmed in foal with semen from RDF Ti Khi Atta Rain.


PP gave birth to a gorgeous colt and continued as an excellent mother.

9th May 2016

PP was inseminated with frozen semen from Hevans EV Catorrius / Redheart Catorrius.

13th April 2017

Today, PP is 339 days pregnant and looking absolutely gorgeous.

Happy Birthday PP

Alles Gute zum Geburtstag PP…..