335 Days – 2017 Foaling Count Down…..

It’s one week until Princess Pascale and Peyres Catori Cat reach their 342 (average) foaling date.

We are under no illusion they will foal next Sunday, we are not expecting them to foal on the same day just because they were inseminated on the same day. What we’re hoping for, is two safe deliveries this month or even next month?

Both mares have been in their new day and night routine for over a month, they are very much set in their new routine.

I am sure if they could open doors and gates they would walk themselves in and out!

Both mares are bagging up.

At the end of the day, the foal will decide the day.

The mares will decide the time.

2017 Foaling Count Down…..


Meet Myka…..

People and horses alike enter your life for a reason….new friends, new horse, new start!

The loss of Redheart Cateaster left a gap in our breeding plan but we were not actively looking for a filly or broodmare but sometimes “events” are meant to be!

Logging on to Facebook one morning, this stunning face caught my eye with the words,

” Myka enjoying the sun, this two-year-old pure bred Appaloosa BApS Grade B filly is still for sale”

My “tick list” is endless when contemplating purchasing a horse but from this moment the ball started rolling.

Name: CARICKS REDHEART bred by Mr & Mrs Wood

Born: 10th May 2014 Expected height 15.2hh

Pedigree: Here

Sire: DREA YAKIMA FIRSHADO from Haverlands Appaloosas


We patiently awaited all the test results, before the sale took place but the wait was worth it.

5 panel negative (PSSM1, HYPP, HERDA, GBED & MH) and Grey gene negative.

Bay (AA EE) and true non-characteristic (lp/lp) with one copy of pattern (PATN1/patn1).

Registered with the British Appaloosa Society as a Grade B, her pedigree is full of registered Appaloosas. Her dam is the only horse in the pedigree not registered with the Appaloosa Horse Club. As part of Myka’s sale, Mr & Mrs Wood agreed to register Lambrigg Dollar Girl with the ApHC and the ApHC UK, ensuring Myka’s future registration permits her to join our Foundation herd.

All agreed and off I set “Oop North”!

After a good trip up and down the M18, we safely arrived home.

We take no risks introducing new horses to the herd especially when we have pregnant mares, therefore Myka went straight into isolation. She could see all the horses but had no contact!

She really did protest in the round pen but by night checks she was very settled and much quieter.

Meet Myka……….

May I take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks to Mick & Carol Wood.

I have made two wonderful new friends and endeavour to do my best by “your Myka”.

Paula x


Pedigree’s and hypothetical mating’s…….

Redheart pedigree’s and hypothetical matings.

All Breed Database:












2017 foals for sale



Hypothetical 2018 foals for sale



*Subject to Stallion Licensing

Foaling Alarm….

The “normal” gestation for an equine is 335 – 360 days, (342 days average).

Both mares ovulated and were inseminated on the 6th May 2016.
Taking the average (16th April 2017) we may see the arrival of our two triple registered foals.

(Appaloosa Horse Club, Appaloosa Horse Club UK and British Appaloosa Society)

Princess Pascale x Hevans EV Catorrius/Redheart Catorrius 2017 foal.



Peyres Catori Cat x Kiss My Finest Heart 2017 foal.

So, our Foaling Alarm is set, breeding would be easy if this were the case!

What An End…..

The third show of 2016, held by the Appaloosa Horse Club UK. An abundance of classes open to and supported by ApHC UK members at Rodbaston Equestrian Centre.

Wonderful to see Appaloosa horses from all ApHC UK registers, the USA register (A), the British register (B), the Characteristic register (C) and the Part-Bred register (PB).



Photo courtesy of Sue Feast

Redheart Pasculius’s last show before joining the broodmares, RESERVE SUPREME CHAMPION!

What an end……

Show Season Highlight…….

One of the main highlights of the show season is the Appaloosa Horses Club UK  National show. A two-day event that caters for every Appaloosa enthusiast.

This year we took our two GAP 5 horses, Redheart Pascalius and DFR Patahas Redheart. I participated with both horses in the Appaloosa Horse Club  classes while Crystal participated both horses in the Appaloosa Horses Club UK classes. On this occasion, backed up by a young lady Amilie,  who has caught the Appaloosa “bug”.

Another wonderful day showing, we both achieved a few awards and congratulate all the other competitors.

Already looking forward to the 2017 National Show……


Colts or Fillies – 60 Day Sex Scans…….

Knowing the gender of a foal before it is born will help us manage several different aspects of our breeding program. In particular, we would like two non-characteristic (NC negative for the LP (Leopard Complex gene)) fillies to continue our breeding programme.

NC fillies will be perfect for our recent imported Stallion DFR Patahas Redheart (Blu) who is homozygous (LP/LP) for the Leopard Complex gene. Thus giving us a characteristic foal (LP/lp) 100% of the time with the advantage of his pedigree and statue.

The mares had their 60 day scans…..

Peyres Catori Cat (Catori) has been inseminated with Kiss My Finest Heart’s (Heart) semen.


Catori and Heart are both LP/lp for the Leopard Complex gene, therefore we have 50% chance of a characteristic foal (LP/lp), 25% chance of few spot or snow cap foal (LP/LP) and 25% chance of a non-characteristic (lp/lp).

Princess Pascale (PP) has been inseminated with Hevans EV Catorrius’s (Reus) semen.


PP is LP/lp and Reus is lp/lp for the Leopard Complex gene, therefore we have 50% chance of a non-characteristic foal (lp/lp) and 50% chance of a characteristic foal (LP/lp).

We have purposely increased our chances of non-characteristic foals this year by not using an LP/LP stallion but we have no control over the gender, it will always be 50 / 50!

The 60-day ultrasound identified both mares are carrying single live fetus which is obviously fantastic news. Eventually, the genital tubercle was located (both mares fetus were quite lively and it took a while to find the view required) didn’t help that both mare’s bladders were full either. The genital tubercle (which eventually will become the penis in a colt and the clitoris in a filly) develops on the midline of the fetus, between the hind legs. At around 55 days, the structure moves toward the umbilicus in a colt and toward the anus in a filly.

So, our wonderful Vet John Campbell (JC) gave us the news we didn’t want to hear….COLT’S!

On a serious note, we are grateful both mares are in foal, we are very grateful both fetus are “single” and “alive” and we only pray the gestation and births follow suit!

The advantage of knowing we might have colts (nothing is 100% guaranteed) is we can prepare to advertise and sell our Stallion (Reus) full brother and his first 100% FPD progeny out of PP. We also are able to either make plans for our NC filly foals in 2018 with the same mating’s or use Blu to create a GAP 6 with 100% success for characteristic foals to sell? Mmmmmm…..

Both mares were inseminated on the 6th May 2016 (“normal” gestation is 335 – 360 days, 342 days average) due date being April 16th 2017.

Let’s hope our news is wrong and those fetus were too quick for JC to accurately identify?


HAPPY BIRTHDAY Reus, may our journey through life continue together……

13th June 2012 Reus was born, the shock of a non characteristic foal took a while to sink in!

As a late weanling he proved to have an enormous amount of intelligence and was very bold and independent.

As a yearling he proved that confirmation over ruled “colour” as he won his first Appaloosa Horse Club UK Supreme Championship.


As a two-year old, he not only won his first British Appaloosa Society Supreme Championship but gained a 5th place on the Appaloosa Club International points table.

As a three-year old he proved to be healthy, fit, correct and fertile, passing a five stage vetting and obtaining his stallion licences and then successfully storing frozen semen for the UK & Europe.

If he was a human we would be celebrating 20 years but today he is four and I wish him HAPPY BIRTHDAY and thank him for the happiness he has brought us at Redheart Appaloosas!


May our journey through life continue together and continue to exceed all our expectations……

Our Redheart Stallion is still only three years old by birth……

As a three-year old colt Reus obtained his two stallion licenses and this year has frozen semen for sale within the UK and Europe. From the 1st January this year “in the horse world” , he is a four year old and is called a Stallion! In reality “by birth” he is still only three years old…..

After an early start this year, long reining and getting him  “started” he has now been turned away to have another break. This horse is so very special in so many ways and one thing we will not do is rush him!  We also require the time to concentrate on Redheart Pascalius who is coming along nicely in the show ring and time to educate our three yearlings, Ben, Blanc and Blu!

Some recent pictures of Reus…..



Our Redheart Stallion is still only three years old by birth……