Redheart Pascalius is starting to bloom…..

Our fourth show of 2016 gave Redheart Pascalius her first Championship of 2016

The Appaloosa Horse Club UK Spring Show at Merrist Wood Equestrian Centre gave us a few classes to enter. Last years event resulted in Evee getting loose and our early departure with a few minor cuts and bruises. Thankfully this year, it was a different result. We had a “good” day in the ribbons and the highlight was qualifying for the USA Open Championship. With an exceptional level of quality in this Championship we can only be honoured to have won against such competition. We are very delighted with our home-bred filly!



Redheart Pascalius is certainly starting to bloom…..

The Herd are Happy……..

The Bank Holiday weekend gave me time to capture some up to date pictures of the Herd…

Peyres Catori Cat aka Catori, confirmed in foal to Kiss My Finest Heart!

Catori and her 2015 foal are happy and confident to be separated but a great mates within the herd!

There is no doubt Catori remains at the top of the pecking order!

Redheart Regal aka Blanc is out of Peyres Catori Cat by  RDF Ti Kha Atta Rain, developing in to a fine filly!

Princesse Pascale aka PP, confirmed in foal to Hevans EV Catorrius!

 Redheart Royale aka Ben is out of Princesse Pascale by RDF Ti Kha Atta Rain, quite a character!


 Our imported future Stud DFR Patahas Redheart aka Blu is our DREAM!



Ben & Blanc

The Herd are HAPPY!


Since our mares Peyres Catori Cat and Princesse Pascale were imported at 6 months of age they have been inseparable. Their connection / bond was quickly noted as a problem when they were at the same show. The lack of concentration in the ring whilst the other mare was calling was frustrating. None the less we dealt with it, keeping them well apart or taking them to different shows.

Since being brood mares their concentration has solely been focused on their foals and nothing else until weaning, only then do they reunite their bonds. After a year off from foaling, something they both deserved their “closeness” had brought about something quite rare…..synchronised seasons!



Whether this is nature working at its best, whether this is something mares (like human females) living together do or whether it’s just coincidence I don’t know….they have made my life easier this year and if I could show them my gratitude I would….

Both mare’s were admitted to Three Counties Equine Hospital on Friday 6th May for Artificial insemination, I had notification on Sunday 8th May to say both mares were coming along nicely and they would be looking to inseminate the next day. As it happens both mares ovulated between 9am and 1pm the next day and were artificially inseminated. RESUT!

Our breeding plan…. So both mares have great conformation, blood lines, and gaits backed up by their  show records but there is always room for improvement, no horse is 100% perfect…..

Being registered with Appaloosa Horse Club, Appaloosa Horse Club UK and British Appaloosa Society it is with complete intention we ensure the stallions used enable the foals to also be eligible for the same registrations.

Peyres Catori Cat  x  Kiss My Finest Heart

Catori is an intelligent, spirited and precocious well-built mare, we have used Heart’s semen again (imported from Spain) because the foals from this pairing (Hevans EV Catorrius and the late Redheart Cateaster) proved to be fine animals.


Princesse Pascale  x  Hevans EV Catorrius

PP is a very quiet reserved mare with an adorable personality, she is very well-built and stands over 16hh. Hevans EV Catorrius should complement the foal with a more compact build and pass on his outstanding intelligence, scope and bravery. Keeping the 100% FPD in mind and keeping the correct confirmation is a high priority.



On Monday 23rd May,  we saw the result of their 14 day scans, we can confirm that both mares have been successfully scanned and are both in foal.

Princesse Pascale X Hevans EV Catorrius

Princesse Pascale X Hevans EV Catorrius

Peyres Catori Cat X Kiss My Finest Heart

Peyres Catori Cat X Kiss My Finest Heart





We are always striving for our desired goals,  to get there we would appreciate two more fillies, any colt’s will defiantly be for sale but the fillies we will keep for our future breeding plan using our imported future stallion DFR Patahas Redheart.

We all know breeding is a gamble and there are no guarantees but the end result is always a surprise with Appaloosas, let’s see what arrives in 2017?

They really are TWO OF A KIND……

Three Redheart’s In The Ring……

When it comes to a yearling’s first show I can only talk of my own experience. At home, trips in the lorry, bathing, in hand leading and being taught to standing correctly, alongside many other educational lessons will ensure a sense of normality on the day. Whilst at the show, the day can unfold either way…

The Regional Appaloosa Club UK show at Summer House, Gloucester was the perfect introductory show for Easter. Crystal gave her an encouraging start, full of praise and reward. Easter amazed us all with her obedience, positive attitude and calmness. Her shows for the Judge were impressive and were rewarded with a first place in the Most Colourful, a second in the main registered fillies and delighted to say the Reserve Championship from the Females.

Easter was then taken to the lorry to enjoy her hay net whilst Katie and Evee continued their classes and myself and Reus stayed out the way until it was our turn in the ring.


Here are a few photos of the Three Redhearts Day Out……..


Crystal with Redheart Cateaster



Katie with Redheart Pascalius


Katie and Evee took a first in the young stock UK and USA fillies.

 Also awarded USA Reserve Champion  and UK Female Champion.

A lovely day spent with Happy Appy friends


 Reus had an educational day, with a fulfilled day of classes.

We took a few firsts and seconds, three Reserve Champions and the USA Championship.

A delightful day spent with delightful people.

The first show where three Redhearts stood in the ring…….




Progress at the Nationals……..

Keen to leave at 5am, I then realise it was too dark to turn Hevans EV Cateaster out into the field because she has night blindness. As soon as it was light enough Easter, Catori and PP were turned out and we loaded Hevans EV Pascalius and Hevans EV Catorrius into the lorry.

A straight run up the M5 to Warwickshire College, Moreton Morrell for the ApHC UK National Breed Show.

APHC UK NATIONALS 2014 Reus (19)

Frank very kindly warmed Reus up, he always needs to exert some energy.


Crystal ensured Evee had stretching her legs, had a good look around and was settled.








A fantastic day for Crystal and Evee, 2nd in the Yearling USA filly class, 4th in the FPD Halter female open and following in her mothers foot steps (PP) she won the UK Yearling filly class taking the APHC UK Nutland Carpet Salver. Crystal qualified for the ApHC UK young stock championship and was placed Reserve Champion. Absolutely delighted for Crystal and Evee, a promising second show and an exciting future for another potential brood mare at Redheart Appaloosa’s.


I have worked Reus hard over the last three weeks to enhance his performance at the shows. I believe this effort had paid off, he won the ApHC USA two year old colt class and the USA FPD Halter open male. He then went USA Grand Champion Stallion winning the USA bronze trophy.

In the UK class for two year old colts he took first place which qualified him for the UK Grand Champion Stallion which he won and was awarded the Tiptoe Stud Shield.

We also won the Spotless Salver in the non characteristic class.



However, he let him self down in the ApHC UK Supreme Championship, even though I believe we were in the running for Reserve (being asked for a repeat show), Reus clocked him self in the arena mirror and was very aroused by his reflection. I totally get that!


ApHC UK National Breed Show 2014

A well deserved day for the horses and a very enjoyable day had by all, topped off with a super picnic supplied by Frank. Just Brilliant.

More pictures updated on the horses pages.

Shiny Silver…..

We are all ready for the Appaloosa Club UK National Show tomorrow. Last years silver has been cleaned and engraved.

Looking at the 2013 winnings of Hevans EV Catorrius it was a pleasure to read the previous winners and wonderful to know Reus’s name is engraved along side some outstanding horses.

The Yearling Colt Trophy , The Male Champion, The Spotless Salver and The Yearling Colt Class winner. It seems so long ago, it feels like he’s been a big two year old forever.

 APHC National 2013

The lorry has undergone a little improvement, the addition of an extended partition (full width and extended height, ceiling to floor). This has enabled a colt and a filly to travel together. I am confident (after a few trail runs) we can make the National Show in one trip.

I have great company tomorrow, Crystal is leading Heavans EV Pascalius, Frank is helping with Hevans EV Catorrius (I also heard he’s bringing a picnic – hope its not just the chocolate bar), my mother is meeting us there and will be supervising the children along side their father who is in charge of photography.

Lets see what the day brings us?