Horse Owners & Pony Exhibitors – H.O.P.E 2017

Back in the City of Worcestershire this weekend, at the Three Counties Show Ground for the Horse Owners & Pony Exhibitors – H.O.P.E 2017 Malvern Festival.

Under the British Appaloosa Society, we entered Carick Redheart (Myka) and DFR Patahas Redheart (Blu) in the Appaloosa Youngstock In Hand class. With only these two in the class the result, Blu first and Myka second then Blu Champion and Myka Reserve Champion. Despite the lack of support in this class, both horses were turned out to the highest possible standard and gave a deserving show. It’s not an accomplishment as such but you have to be in it to win it….

Thankfully the World Breeds In Hand Youngstock class had better support, open to over 37 different breeds we were delighted that the Appaloosa was amongst the most desired. Blu taking a first and Myka third. The Championship was open to all class winners and second places from World Breeds Youngstock, Owner Bred, Stallion, Mares and Gelding under and over 14.2 and Mountain & Moorland any height any age. Delighted to say Blu took a Reserve Champion to a gorgeous Fjord.

I never make excuses for poor performance, on the whole, we have great days on the showing circuit but on this occasion, it is only photographic evidence that enabled me to justify our disappointing show in the Supreme Championship. Unfortunately, I found myself disrupting Blu…..his concentration was elsewhere and his trot was very uncoordinated and disunited! That’s showing…


Royal Three Counties 2017

We adore the County shows, a super day out for the family. This year with DFR Patahas Redheart (Blu) and Caricks Redheart (Myka), both participated in the British Appaloosa Society’s affiliated Youngstock Class.

A very, very hot day where the MC constantly repeated for competitors and horses alike to refresh with water from any of the taps on site, we were also allowed to compete without jackets. Thankfully this show is only ten minutes from home and despite the class running an hour late, we were home within three.

Always a worry entering a ring with jumps in, a bit of a distraction but at least we always walk around the ring a few times first, allowing the horses to see the scary objects.

Amelie and Myka did a beautiful straight show as did DFR Patahas Redheart with myself. The result, Blu first and Myka second, Blu then took the Championship.


Redheart 2017 Show Season Begins At Royal Windsor…

Our first outing in 2017, a British Appaloosa Society in hand affiliated class at Royal Windsor.

Caricks Redheart début outing was a huge ask! We would normally take our young stock to a smaller local show first time out but our attempt failed, due to life!

Nerves and or anxiety were witnessed, playing with her bit and her reluctance to trot “with me”. Two things she has not done in six months! Despite this, her trot was straight, she stood for the judge and patiently waited in the lineup, with many distractions around her. I can not fault this filly.

A massive thank you to Mr & Mrs. Wood (Myka’s breeders) who not only came to support BApS and Myka but who helped me at the show.

Myka won her young stock class with a straight entry into the Championship, where she became Reserve In-Hand Champion.

Redheart 2017 Show Season..….Has Begun!

Redheart Regent is Born….

Peyres Catori Cat x Kiss My Finest Heart 97% FPD Colt

Full sibling to our stallion, Reus.

Our Vet, John Campbell at Three Counties Equine Hospital who sex scanned Catori was right, a COLT!

Although Catori was uncomfortable for 12 hours before giving birth, veterinary examination either end of the day confirmed the foals knees were situated high in Catori’s pelvis. After the foal had repositioned himself, Catori’s foaling was very straight forward at 11.45 pm on the 21st April!!!!

By 3 am, she had cleansed, passing a fully intact placenta and Regent was up nursing.

Mother Nature, is wonderful and Catori is a wonderful mother herself.

Redheart Regent is Born….

Alles Gute zum Geburtstag PP…..

13th April 2009

 The Derflinger Appaloosa Stud in Austria produced this wonderful foal.

14th February 2010

 A wonderful trip to Austria to collect our new family member!

7th August 2010

The ApHC UK National show gave her, UK & USA yearling filly titles.

As a yearling, PP’s début outing at County level achieved her a third place.


At two years old, PP accomplished her first Championship.


At three years, she won three Reserve Championships under the British Appaloosa Society.

Finishing her in hand young stock days, she was inseminated with semen from Kiss My Finest Heart.


PP became a superior broodmare.

April 21st saw the safe delivery of Redheart Pascalius.

Unfortunately, mother nature decided against her insemination for a 2014 pregnancy


She enjoyed being a broodmare and confirmed in foal with semen from RDF Ti Khi Atta Rain.


PP gave birth to a gorgeous colt and continued as an excellent mother.

9th May 2016

PP was inseminated with frozen semen from Hevans EV Catorrius / Redheart Catorrius.

13th April 2017

Today, PP is 339 days pregnant and looking absolutely gorgeous.

Happy Birthday PP

Alles Gute zum Geburtstag PP…..

335 Days – 2017 Foaling Count Down…..

It’s one week until Princess Pascale and Peyres Catori Cat reach their 342 (average) foaling date.

We are under no illusion they will foal next Sunday, we are not expecting them to foal on the same day just because they were inseminated on the same day. What we’re hoping for, is two safe deliveries this month or even next month?

Both mares have been in their new day and night routine for over a month, they are very much set in their new routine.

I am sure if they could open doors and gates they would walk themselves in and out!

Both mares are bagging up.

At the end of the day, the foal will decide the day.

The mares will decide the time.

2017 Foaling Count Down…..


Meet Myka…..

People and horses alike enter your life for a reason….new friends, new horse, new start!

The loss of Redheart Cateaster left a gap in our breeding plan but we were not actively looking for a filly or broodmare but sometimes “events” are meant to be!

Logging on to Facebook one morning, this stunning face caught my eye with the words,

” Myka enjoying the sun, this two-year-old pure bred Appaloosa BApS Grade B filly is still for sale”

My “tick list” is endless when contemplating purchasing a horse but from this moment the ball started rolling.

Name: CARICKS REDHEART bred by Mr & Mrs Wood

Born: 10th May 2014 Expected height 15.2hh

Pedigree: Here

Sire: DREA YAKIMA FIRSHADO from Haverlands Appaloosas


We patiently awaited all the test results, before the sale took place but the wait was worth it.

5 panel negative (PSSM1, HYPP, HERDA, GBED & MH) and Grey gene negative.

Bay (AA EE) and true non-characteristic (lp/lp) with one copy of pattern (PATN1/patn1).

Registered with the British Appaloosa Society as a Grade B, her pedigree is full of registered Appaloosas. Her dam is the only horse in the pedigree not registered with the Appaloosa Horse Club. As part of Myka’s sale, Mr & Mrs Wood agreed to register Lambrigg Dollar Girl with the ApHC and the ApHC UK, ensuring Myka’s future registration permits her to join our Foundation herd.

All agreed and off I set “Oop North”!

After a good trip up and down the M18, we safely arrived home.

We take no risks introducing new horses to the herd especially when we have pregnant mares, therefore Myka went straight into isolation. She could see all the horses but had no contact!

She really did protest in the round pen but by night checks she was very settled and much quieter.

Meet Myka……….

May I take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks to Mick & Carol Wood.

I have made two wonderful new friends and endeavour to do my best by “your Myka”.

Paula x


Pedigree’s and hypothetical mating’s…….

Redheart pedigree’s and hypothetical matings.

All Breed Database:












2017 foals for sale



Hypothetical 2018 foals for sale



*Subject to Stallion Licensing

Foaling Alarm….

The “normal” gestation for an equine is 335 – 360 days, (342 days average).

Both mares ovulated and were inseminated on the 6th May 2016.
Taking the average (16th April 2017) we may see the arrival of our two triple registered foals.

(Appaloosa Horse Club, Appaloosa Horse Club UK and British Appaloosa Society)

Princess Pascale x Hevans EV Catorrius/Redheart Catorrius 2017 foal.



Peyres Catori Cat x Kiss My Finest Heart 2017 foal.

So, our Foaling Alarm is set, breeding would be easy if this were the case!