Looking for “Foundation Blood” we found Atta, registered with the Foundation Appaloosa Horse Registry (FAHR) at 82.0312%. This high percentage will be a great asset to Redheart’s future foals. He stands at 16hh+ so his size will encourage height in his offspring, 100% FPD and is homozygous for the Leopard gene (LP/LP), guaranteeing us two characteristic foals.
Liaising with Karen Paton from WD Stud, we have secured semen for 2014 insemination for Peyres Catori Cat and Princesse Pascale.

“Atta is a 16.2HH 100% Foundation Bred Appaloosa Stallion. He is homozygous for black and carries one copy of Agouti (bay). We imported him to the UK in 2012 from his home at CT Ranch in South Dakota. He is a big softy, very laid back but also very clever. He is ridden but we haven’t ridden him yet, we are moving farms shortly and when we have an arena we will ride him and loose jump him. He is particularly special genetically being PATN1/PATN1 plus his height so we have been keen to breed with him as opposed to doing other things! If I had to go back and import again it would still be Atta we love him to bits.”
Karen Paton
F47 Painter’s Marvel
F71 Beauty F181
Rainy Moon (x2)
F209 Red Eagle
F302 Silver Tip
F320 Candy
F322 Zebra Pal (x2)
F437 Morgan’s Leopard
F500 Sundance
F502 Woodrow Sheik (x2)
F524 Freckle Face (x2)
F626 Tootes V (x2)
F678 Joker B. (x2)
F688 Chief Joseph Rex (x2)
F706 Quanah
F715 Freel’s Chico (x5)
F728 Silver’s Dawn (x5)
F801 Juaquin
F920 Stubby
F1026 Cloud Princess
F1072 Leopard Cortez (x2)
F1078 Morgan’s Cheeta
F1131 Utah (x4)
F1166 Biltoft’s Chico
F1274 Chief Malheur
F1336 Frosty-Ann (x2)
F1344 Zebra Dun (x4)
F1380 Patchy Jr. (x2)
F1399 Stardance
F1431 Morgan’s Matador
F1610 Simcoe’s Chinook
F1634 Simcoe’s Sarcee
F1643 Maize
F1680 Wibluta (x2)
F1833 Siri Sheik [Jazzo II] (x4)
F1882 Flag (x4)
F1907 Patchy Yamini (x2)
F1932 Peppy Gal (x6)
F1970 Chief Navajo (x2)
F2084 Big Boss
F2088 The Leopard King (x2)
F2100 Christy
F2112 Sizzle Britches (x2)
F2154 Chief Chelsea [Dancer’s Rainbow] (x2)
F2417 Arab Toswirah Alkhar [Jazzo I] (x2)
F2497 Bambi E. (x2)
F2639 Chief Lawyer
F2654 Riverdale’s Tomahawk
F3033 Chief Apache (x2)
F3486 P.V.F.’s Butterfly (x2)
F3500 Painted Feather (x2)
F3550 Fancy Pants S
F3771 Chief White Cloud B.
F4035 Lawyer’s Arco (x5)
F4090 Pepper’s Shamrock (x4)
F4688 Malheur Donna (x5)
F4845 Malhuer Tonka (x6)