AKA – Ben
Princesse Pascale X RDF Ti KHA Atta Rain
Born 21st April 2015 – 2nd March 2017
Ben sadly left this world after suffering a trauma in his field which left him showing severe signs of ataxia with a very poor prognosis for recovery. We’re absolutely devastated……. He had a wonderful soft nature and we had high hopes for his future in the ring as a riding horse.
They bring us so much joy, yet create so much pain! Run free with our beautiful Easter…..
Ben was a homebred colt, the first foal born within the UK to be registered with the Foundation Appaloosa Horse Registry, above 75%. He was a 5th generation horse of Appaloosa x Appaloosa breeding and registered on the Foundation Pedigree Designation (FPD) program at 100%. Born from two 100% FPD parents he was enrolled in the Generation Advancement Program (GAP) level 5. (GAP 5). Registered with Appaloosa Horse Club with parentage verified DNA on file, passported with the Appaloosa Horse Club UK and over stamped with the Sports Horse Breeding of Great Britain on their Basic Identity Register.
Confirmed homozygous for the Pattern Gene (PATN1/PATN1) and bay (EE Aa), heterozygous for the Leopard Complex (LP/lp). Certified negative for PSSM1 – Polysaccharide Storage Myopathy, HERDA – Hereditary Equine Regional Dermal Asthenia, GBED – Glycogen Branching Enzyme Deficiency, HYPP – Equine Hyperkalemic Periodic Paralysis Disease, MH – Malignant Hyperthermia and Grey gene.
He was a handsome correct colt that oozed presence, he was extremely kind natured, inquisitive and friendly.
Full Pedigree HERE
2016 – A light introduction in the show world, two shows and two wins.
A huge loss for the Redheart Appaloosa Stud.