The Broodmares In Foal To DFR Patahas Redheart…

Two seasoned broodmares and two maidens, all in foal to DFR Patahas Redheart.

Our four broodmares on their way to higher ground.

All in their 7 months of gestation, all looking really well (a little too well) but they will need their reserves to get them through winter…

New pastures, new friends, new life…

At nearly 7 months, Redheart RU Chubarry is up-to-date with worming, vaccinations, and the farrier, she’s microchipped, has a passport and registered with ApHC, ApHC UK and BAps, she ties, leads, loads and is happy to wear a rug which means one thing…time to leave the stud. She loaded in Worcestershire and unloaded in Hertfordshire, at the Chubarry Appaloosa Stud. Ru was introduced to Chubarry Chintz, another filly weanling, they settled well and have become great friends. We are absolutely delighted and proud to have produced this filly, we wish Wendy and Ru all the very best x








LES ROBES DES CHEVAUX – Horse Dresses/Coat Colour – French Publication

There are many assumptions about breeding for colour especially with the increasing availability of equine genetics to the public. More and more “breeders” are certainly breeding for colour, evident by beautifully coloured marked foals with no obvious thought for conformation, pedigree, temperament, registrations or performance and the list can go on…

No horse has perfect conformation, beauty is and always will be in the eye of the beholder, one reason why we prove the Redhearts in the ring, every Judge has their “ideal” type and colour should never come before confirmation. The rules are simply based on 60% conformation and 40% colour in “Most Colourful Class’s”.

Early this year we contributed a few images of our Appaloosas to aid the explanation of their genotype for the first French written book of equine genetics and it’s scientific approach to the colours of horses. It’s Author Laure Marandet has created an excellent book which explains the process of colourisation and hair dilution in horses. We are certainly privileged to have contributed to this publication.

LES ROBES DES CHEVAUX:  Approche génétique et scientifique des couleurs des chevaux.



Peyres Catori Cat  

Redheart Pascalius

Redheart Regal


Weaning Redheart RU Chubarry

We’ve noticed the “independence” of Ru over the last month or so and due to adlib hay and sharing her dams feed the demand for milk has reduced, just a few factors that help during weaning.

Because Ru is sold, we would like her to leave the stud when we know she is ready and not before, she has accepted weaning with no fuss at all. Redheart Regal joined the broodmares and only called in reply to Ru’s calls, she was absolutely delighted to be reunited with the herd. Ru, however, was taken into a stable between her sire DFR Patahas Redheart and uncle Redheart Catorrius, she too only called for less than an hour!

So, Redheart Regal is happy, she only upset the herd momentarily!


And our sweet Ru is very content…

At 6 months old, we’re delighted to add her ApHC registration certificate, another 100% FPD foal at the Redheart Appaloosa Stud.

Here is a 4-minute video of Redheart RU Chubarry at 6 months old.

Redheart RU Chubarry @ 6 months old – Here…


National – International – World Standings…

We subscribe to the Appaloosa Journal, this is the official publication of the Appaloosa Horse Club, the international registry for the Appaloosa horse. Each year we compete at the Appaloosa Horse Club UK National Show, each year we take part in the UK classes and USA Classes. Whilst our UK points go towards ApHC UK Performance Awards our USA points accumulate towards Register Of Merits Awards (R.O.M).

Being placed in ApHC classes gains points, these points are International taken from all the participants at affiliated ApHC Shows around the World! Argentina, Czech Republic, Caledonia, Australia, Denmark, New Zealand, France, South Africa, Austria, Germany, Spain, Belgium, Holland, Sweden, Brazil, Switzerland, Israel, Chile, China, Italy, Dubai, Mexico, Panama and of course the United Kingdom, not forgetting the Regional Clubs of the USA.

Despite the purebred Appaloosa being a “rare” breed here in the UK, the Registered American Appaloosas are doing pretty well, this year we see two UK Stallions in the 2018 World Standings results in the October edition of the Appaloosa Journal.

Our first horse Hevans EV Catorrius achieved his International recognition in 2014, finishing 2nd in the International Top 5 Two-Year-Old Stallions.

Our second horse at one-year-old was Redheart Cateaster, finished 3rd in the International Top 5 for Yearling Fillies.

To date, in 2018 we see DFR Patahas Redheart, our three-year-old stallion on the World Standings table.

Amazing where 1 point can put you in the WORLD!


Redheart Father & Son..

Christmas day 2004 we entertained the “family” for lunch, about 20 of us and the food prep took a very long time, we had purchased the Cat Stevens CD and the songs played continuously.

One favorite song was (and still is) Father and Son, well some of the lyrics are just so fitting here when I see Reus talking with his son Reality…

“Just relax, take it easy”

“There’s so much you have to know”

“I was once like you are now, and I know that it’s not easy”

“But take your time, think a lot”

“Look at me, I am old, but I’m happy”

 As a yearling Reality is looking rather tall against his father Reus who is 6!

Look at the height of that spotty bum!

A Red Sky At Redheart Appaloosa Stud…

We join the many people who appreciate the beauty of sunrises and sunsets, moonlit halos and anything else Mother Nature throws at us…

During the beginning of October we’ve witnessed several evenings with a red sky but to capture an image with such beauty requires Appaloosas here at the Stud!


You can’t make animals in a herd, naturally, stand and pose for you, so you waited and wait and wait! Until, eventually, during the “movement” of grazing, you catch that split second of “the shot”. Here it is, with our two main mares…

Peyres Catori Cat & Princesse Pascale

Red sky at night, Appaloosas delight!