Redheart Appaloosas & The Malvern Hills….
/0 Comments/in The Stud /by Paula CooperThe Malvern Hills are part of an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, with scenic views over both Herefordshire and Worcestershire. The Hills run north/south for about 13 km (8 miles), between Great Malvern and the village of Colwall, and overlook the River Severn valley to the east, with the Cotswolds beyond.
The highest point of the hills is the Worcestershire Beacon at 425 meters (1,394 ft) above sea level. The hills are famous for their natural mineral springs and wells, which were responsible for the development of Great Malvern as a spa in the early 19th century.
Until recently, Malvern water was bottled commercially on a large-scale and sold worldwide.
We never take for granted the view we have, here at the Redheart Appaloosa Stud.
The Inquisitive Nature of Horses….
/0 Comments/in Foundation Appaloosa Mare, Foundation Appaloosa Stallion, The Stud /by Paula CooperWith no stables available (yet) our fencing, ditching and general paddock maintenance during 2017 were accomplished with the help of the Redheart horses. Their inquisitive nature and the mares laid-back attitude have given the foals great confidence when it comes to machinery.
Well, you can’t take foals to the traffic, bring the traffic to the foals…
Regent and Reality have certainly been desensitized by human contact in their first five months of life!
Redheart Pascalius – 2016 IN HAND PERFORMANCE RESULTS….
/0 Comments/in Appaloosa Horse Club UK, British Appaloosa Society, Foreign Breeds, Foundation Appaloosa Mare, Redheart Pascalius /by Paula CooperEvery year we sign up to and compete in the Inhand Performance under The British Appaloosa Society, Appaloosa Horse Club UK, and the United Saddlebred Association.
Our home-bred filly, Redheart Pascalius finished her in hand showing campaign last year. We are proud to add these awards to her Performance Record, a credit to her as a young filly and worthy of her joining our broodmares.
A Reserve Champion certificate from the Appaloosa Horse Club UK for their Open Appaloosa Horse Club Performance Awards.
Two beautiful rosettes from The British Appaloosa Society, the Highest Points for Youngstock and the Inhand Section.
From the United Saddlebred Association, she received a Champion certificate for their non-saddle bred Inhand and utility classes along with two gorgeous sashes.
We are aiming to cover her with DFR PATAHAS REDHEART early next year, the resulting foal will be black based (AA ee) with 6 generations of Appaloosa (GAP 6).
Thank you to the Societies for sending such lovely memorabilia.
Another quality mare for our breeding programme!
No Foot, No Horse….
/0 Comments/in Redheart Reality, Redheart Regent, The Stud /by Paula CooperI would like to take the time to say a thank you to our farrier, Tim Whittington from The Priory Forge. Working alongside Tim is Jo Hosie, between them it is without fail they meet the needs of all our horses.
One main quality of trimming is seeing the horses walk before and after a trim, a well-balanced foot is key to not only soundness but movement and performance. It is the small things that matter, Tim and Jo’s dedication to “get to know” our horses is only ever an advantage for all parties.
They have a quiet and gentle approach to the foals education. Each session, the foals come into the stable with their dams. Even at four weeks old, meeting the foals and just picking up their feet (a stranger) is a fabulous grounding for their future relationship.
Regent and Reality are in for the farrier for the 5th time, they are so content and well-behaved, thanks to Tim and his team for all your efforts.
Ménege Planning Granted @ Redheart Appaloosa Stud
/0 Comments/in The Stud /by Paula Cooper
Eleni Randle from G Herbert Banks (who has successfully obtained planning permission for two barns at the Stud within the last 12 months) has exceeded our expectations yet again!
We now have planning granted for a 20m x 40m ménage. In time our young stock will be under saddle and we will have the perfect place for schooling.
We have donated our 2017 Redheart winnings to Cancer Research and we were deeply touched when Eleni requested her last payment due was also donated to this worthy cause.
Thank you, G Herbert Banks
The British Appaloosa Society National Show 2017….
/0 Comments/in Caricks Redheart, DFR Patahas Redheart, Foundation Appaloosa Mare, Foundation Appaloosa Stallion /by Paula CooperBack at the wonderful equestrian venue of Hartpury Equestrian College, we see DFR Patahas Redheart our two-year-old colt and Caricks Redheart our three-year-old filly finish their 2017 showing campaign.
We have a huge commitment to build a stable barn before the winter so our 2017 showing season must end!
The Redheart young stock did well, DFR Patahas Redheart gained the second place in the Sports Horse in hand (on a triangle), a fifth place in the most colourful blanket and another second place in the licensed stallion class with an award for the Highest Grade.
Caricks Redheart finished her 2017 campaign under the skillful handling and running of Crystal. A well-deserved fourth place in the Best Conditioned along with a Best Turned Out award, a fifth in the Riding Horse in hand, a third in the Most Colourful Other, a win in the two and three-year-old fillies with another award for the Best Turned Out and an award for the Highest Grade. The icing on the cake was a Reserve Champion out of the Females.
A well-supported show as always and an honor to be a member of the British Appaloosa Society.
Smiles all-round!
A rewarding finish to 2017 at the British Appaloosa National Show.
Appaloosa Horse Club UK National Breed Show 2017….
/0 Comments/in Appaloosa Horse Club, Appaloosa Horse Club UK, Caricks Redheart, DFR Patahas Redheart, Foundation Appaloosa Mare, Foundation Appaloosa Stallion /by Paula CooperThe ApHC UK National Breed Show, one show we very much enjoy and look forward to each year, held at Morton Morell College, Warwickshire.
A two-day event with in-hand classes on the first day followed by an eventful and entertaining social evening and riding classes on the second day. Having young stock, we only take part on the first day but hopefully, we will compete for under-saddle in the next year or so. With over 77 horses entered, it was and always is a wonderful sight.
DFR Patahas Redheart (Blu) and Caricks Redheart (Myka) were entered in a few utility classes to warm up before proceeding with their respective colour, age, and gender classes.
After prepping Amelie on her day ahead, I quickly cleaned Myka’s behind as she was in-season, took Blu from his stable as we headed for our first class, Western Best Condition/Turnout. Blu took the first place and Myka took the second.
Outside, under the UK Judge, Myka won a well deserved second place in the Non-Characteristic Open class.
Blu and I continued with his colour classes indoors under the USA Judge, the lineup (nose to tail) was parallel to the mirrors. Blu was too small last year to see himself but this year his was quite impressed with his reflection, constantly but quietly neighing in that hormonal stallion voice! I purposely entered the ring first to avoid standing behind another horse but then realized he was looking at himself in the mirror ahead too!
Well, little did I know at that time but it was me who was causing him to be aroused by the smell of Myka on my hands….This caused him to try and mount me but like I said, at that time I thought he was just being a hormonal two-year-old colt and reared, not that he has reared before, none the less he was reprimanded. We only realized what we had done when we saw these pictures from Simon Coates Photography, it happened so quickly and I never thought it happened like this though.
I can not and do not blame Blu, he is such a sweet, quiet and sensible colt, a lesson learned by myself though.
After his discipline, he was quieter but would not give me my space, if I had known at this time I would, of course, washed my hands but I didn’t, so we proceeded with a challenge in his following classes.
The USA Two-Year-Old Colt Class, we took a second place and Reserve Champion.
He was much better outside, we took a second place and Reserve Champion under the UK Jude for the Two-Year Old Colts.
I ran Myka in her USA classes, Open Female FPD Halter, second place and she won the Three-Year-Old Fillies.
Mykas last class was the UK Three Year Old Fillies, she was presented with a win and the Freckles Trophy.
Looking forward to the 2018 ApHC UK National Breed Show already!
Interesting Links
- LG Media & Marketing
- Three Counties Equine Hospital
- Sundance 500 International
- NAK Sports Images
- Animal Genetics UK
- AG Horse Transport (Adam Gibson Equine Horse Transport)
- Mountain Media
- The Appaloosa Project
- Foundation Appaloosa Horse Registry (FAHR)
- Simon Coates Photography
- The British Appaloosa Society (BApS)
- IJ Equine Photography
- Animal Genetics USA
- Equi-BlingUK
- Real Time Imaging
- Alison James Photography
- The Appaloosa Museum
- Etalon Diagnostics
- Amy Griffiths Photography
- Western Equestrian Society (WES)
- Redheart Appaloosa Facebook Page
- Top Shots Photography
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Latest News
- What a fabulous start to 2025 January 9, 2025
- Happy New Year 2025 January 1, 2025
- Bottoms Up @ New Year – 2024 December 31, 2023
- Foundation Appaloosa Semen Available 2024 (LP/LP PATN1/PATN1) – ALL MARES December 17, 2023
- The Redheart Stallions Receive Appaloosa Horse Club UK (ApHC UK) Accomplishments December 24, 2022