The Appaloosa Horse Club (ApHC) created the Foundation Pedigree Designation (FPD) program is represented by the percentage of registered Appaloosa ancestors for a particular horse. As a Foundation breeder, I’m responsible to work out if an Appaloosa pedigree fulfils our criteria, there are obviously many other factors involved but one factor I adhere to is breeding forward for Appaloosa purity.
For many years the Appaloosa has been bred to Arabs, Thoroughbred’s and Quarter Horses and the resulting progeny are registered as an Appaloosas! The FPD program is recognition of Appaloosa to Appaloosa blood. The Arabs, Thoroughbreds and Quarter horses are left in the 5th generation, although the 4th generation of an FPD Appaloosa can be of registered Appaloosa who’s parents (in the 5th generation) were not Appaloosas. This doesn’t make the 4th generation pure but a program must start somewhere! A program devised to encourage breeders to breed forward, before the purebred Appaloosa’s is lost…..
The below pedigree is our new filly Caricks Redheart (Myka). Having worked out her FPD percentage, enabled me to plan her future with our resident future stallion DFR Patahas Redheart. The resulting foals will be 100% FPD along with many other qualities, they both should contribute!

To be eligible for the FPD program, the horse must be registered with the ApHC, Myka is unable to be registered at the present time because we are waiting for her dam LAMBRIGG DOLLAR GIRL to be registered. Once the dam is registered, Myka’s pedigree will meet the entry requirements. Her registration and application for the FPD program can be submitted together.
A minimum of three (3) of these ancestors on both sire and dam sides of the pedigree.
Two ancestors from generation 2 – OUTLINED RED
Two ancestors from generation 3 – OUTLINED BLUE
Two ancestors from generation 4 – OUTLINED GREEN
One (1) from the Sire side following on from generation 3, either
One (1) from the Dam side following on from generation 3,either
ApHC-Registered Year Percentage Ancestors Required
Prior to 2003 – 50% – 14 horses
** 2004 to 2008 ………… 73% …………… 22 horses **
**** 2009 ……………………….77% …………………………… 23 horses ****
2019 ……………………….80% …………………………… 24
2029 ……………………….83% …………………………… 25
2039 ……………………….87% …………………………… 26
2049 ……………………….90% …………………………… 27
2059 ……………………….93% …………………………… 28
2069 ……………………….97% …………………………… 29
* 2079 ………………………100% ………………………….. 30 *
Depending on what year the horse was born, dictates the FPD percentage it enters the program. Myka was born in 2014, her entry requirement is 23 registered ApHC horses **** The 23 horses are OUTLINED YELLOW in the pedigree and there’s no order to choose the registered horses in the 5th generation.
By adding the further 6 ApHC registered horses in her 5th generation, OUTLINED BLACK we increase her FPD percentage. There are 28/30 ApHC registered horses in Myka’s pedigree, the entry criteria 77% and the extra 6 registered Appaloosa’s increase her FPD percentage from 77% to 93%.
The horse is in the 5th generation named “Appaloosa”, OUTLINED PINK is not registered and the other horse named “Mary-Mate”, OUTLINED ORANGE is a Thoroughbred that is registered with the ApHC but as a non-Appaloosa. Both these horses are not recognized within the FPD program.
The mathematical workings……
* There are 30 horses in a 5 generation pedigree (excluding the applicant) = 100% FPD *
Each horses percentage = (100% divided by 30 horses = 3.33333333) 3.34%
Horses born before 2003
Must have 14/30 registered horses in their pedigree, entering the program at 50%, ie. Generations 2, 3 and 4 must all be registered Appaloosa ApHC horses (14 x 3.34 = 46.76, rounded up) = 50%
Horses born from 2004 to 2008
Must have 22/30 registered ApHC horses in their pedigree, entering the program at 73%. ie Generation 2, 3, and 4 (14 horses) plus any eight horses from the 5th generation. (22 x 3.34 = 73.48) rounded down = 73%
Horses born in 2009
Must have 23/30 registered ApHC horses in their pedigree. ie. Generations 2,3 and 4 (14 horses) plus any nine horses from the 5th generation. (23 x 3.34 = 76.82) rounded up = 77%.
Every ten years forward from 2009, the program will require one (1) extra registered ApHC horse in its pedigree.
So, we know Myka is eligible and we know she has a total of 28 registered Appaloosas in her pedigree. We believe Myka will have an FPD percentage of (28 x 3.34 = 93.352, rounded down ) 93% FPD – UNCONFIRMED but * NOW CONFIRMED *
Further confirmed examples…
Here is the pedigree of our mare, Peyres Catori Cat. She is enrolled in the FPD program at 90%. Born in 2008, she required 22/30 ** horses to be registered with the ApHC. The total number of registered Appaloosas in her pedigree is actually 27/30.
Entering the programme at 73% (22 horses) plus the extra 5 (27 x 3.334 = 90.018) rounded down = 90%

The non-registered Appaloosas in Peyres Catori Cat’s pedigree are;
4th generation – QAR MISS PLAYGIRL ApHCC – R32368
5th generation – PAPA BLUEBERRY ApHCC – 11656
5TH generation – SONNY JO’S PLAYGIRL – ApHCC – 14507
We bred the above mare to a 100% FPD stallion, increasing the number of registered horses in the 5th generation. Below is the pedigree of the resulting foal, Hevans EV Catorrius who is enrolled in the FPD program at 97%. Born in 2012, his FPD entry required one more registered Appaloosa than his dam, 23 horses / 77% FPD. Only breeding one generation forward will remove the non-registered Appaloosa QAR MISS PLAYGIRL for FPD purposes, creating 100% FPD foals.

Here is the pedigree of our mare Princesse Pascale, enrolled in the FPD program at 100%

Quite easy, she has 30/30 registered Appaloosas with ApHC = 100% FPD. (30 X 3.334=100.02) rounded down 100% We are expecting a foal next month from Princesse Pascale (100% FPD) x Hevans EV Catorrius (97% FPD).
The resulting foal’s 5 generation pedigree will be 30/30 registered Appaloosas, 100% FPD.
We plan to cover Princess Pascale (100% FPD) with DFR Patahs Redheart (100% FPD) in the future, thus creating not only a 100% FPD foal but a foal eligible for the ApHC Generation Advancement Program (GAP 5).
That’s another update!!!
Just something to think about when breeding!
Full siblings with different FPD percentages…
Imagine a foal born in 2008 with 22 registered Appaloosas in its pedigree. It meets the entry level in place at that time of its birth and is enrolled in the FPD program at 77%. The following year the same mating produces a full sibling, again with 22 registered ApHC horses in the pedigree. The entry level for horses born in 2009 is 23 horses, this means the full sibling is not eligible for the FPD program…..
Always good to know your Foundation Pedigree Designation (FPD) percentages.