Meet Myka…..
/0 Comments/in Appaloosa Horse Club UK, British Appaloosa Society, Caricks Redheart, Foundation Appaloosa Mare /by Paula CooperPeople and horses alike enter your life for a reason….new friends, new horse, new start!
The loss of Redheart Cateaster left a gap in our breeding plan but we were not actively looking for a filly or broodmare but sometimes “events” are meant to be!
Logging on to Facebook one morning, this stunning face caught my eye with the words,
” Myka enjoying the sun, this two-year-old pure bred Appaloosa BApS Grade B filly is still for sale”
My “tick list” is endless when contemplating purchasing a horse but from this moment the ball started rolling.
Name: CARICKS REDHEART bred by Mr & Mrs Wood
Born: 10th May 2014 Expected height 15.2hh
Pedigree: Here
Sire: DREA YAKIMA FIRSHADO from Haverlands Appaloosas
We patiently awaited all the test results, before the sale took place but the wait was worth it.
5 panel negative (PSSM1, HYPP, HERDA, GBED & MH) and Grey gene negative.
Bay (AA EE) and true non-characteristic (lp/lp) with one copy of pattern (PATN1/patn1).
Registered with the British Appaloosa Society as a Grade B, her pedigree is full of registered Appaloosas. Her dam is the only horse in the pedigree not registered with the Appaloosa Horse Club. As part of Myka’s sale, Mr & Mrs Wood agreed to register Lambrigg Dollar Girl with the ApHC and the ApHC UK, ensuring Myka’s future registration permits her to join our Foundation herd.
All agreed and off I set “Oop North”!
After a good trip up and down the M18, we safely arrived home.
We take no risks introducing new horses to the herd especially when we have pregnant mares, therefore Myka went straight into isolation. She could see all the horses but had no contact!
She really did protest in the round pen but by night checks she was very settled and much quieter.
Meet Myka……….
May I take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks to Mick & Carol Wood.
I have made two wonderful new friends and endeavour to do my best by “your Myka”.
Paula x
Last Show in 2016…..
/0 Comments/in DFR Patahas Redheart, Redheart Royale /by Paula CooperThroughout the year, our young stock qualified for the “One, Two and three Year Old Championship Show” held at Onley Equestrian Centre.
Although the horses didn’t look too bad, their coats had turned. After a hot bath and a little trim they looked presentable but not to our usual high standard.
We decided to take DFR Patahas Redheart (Blu) and Redheart Royale (Ben). I ran Ben and Lisa Randle ran Blu, both colts gave a good show but today it’s simple….we were beaten by better horses. We had a really good fun day and delighted with both colts performance especially being stabled away from home for the first time, every day is a school day!
Blu took a third in colts, Ben fourth and then Ben took a third in the yearlings class with Blu fourth.
Pedigree’s and hypothetical mating’s…….
/0 Comments/in Appaloosa Horse Club UK, British Appaloosa Society, Caricks Redheart, DFR Patahas Redheart, Foundation Appaloosa Mare, Foundation Appaloosa Stallion, Hevans EV Catorrius, Peyres Catori Cat, Princesse Pascale, Redheart Catorrius, Redheart Pascalius, Redheart Regal, Redheart Royale /by Paula CooperRedheart pedigree’s and hypothetical matings.
All Breed Database:
2017 foals for sale
Hypothetical 2018 foals for sale
*Subject to Stallion Licensing
Blanc Indoors…..
/0 Comments/in Foundation Appaloosa Mare, Redheart Regal /by Paula CooperRedheart Regal’s next outing was a short journey to Gracelands Equestrian Centre, under the High Horse Showing Society.
Her first event indoors, having congenital stationary night blindness (CSNB) there is no doubt she struggled with the light shining through the cladding, creating light and dark “patches” on the floor. Blanc also struggled within the small arena when horses trotted up behind her…
We learnt a lot about Blanc today, we will hire an indoor school before we travel too far and pay entries….
None the less, she stood for the judge and trotted straight, coming back to me very nicely. Loading and travelling being second nature…
Blanc indoors needs revisiting….
Foaling Alarm….
/0 Comments/in Appaloosa Horse Club UK, British Appaloosa Society /by Paula CooperThe “normal” gestation for an equine is 335 – 360 days, (342 days average).
Both mares ovulated and were inseminated on the 6th May 2016.
Taking the average (16th April 2017) we may see the arrival of our two triple registered foals.
(Appaloosa Horse Club, Appaloosa Horse Club UK and British Appaloosa Society)
Princess Pascale x Hevans EV Catorrius/Redheart Catorrius 2017 foal.
Peyres Catori Cat x Kiss My Finest Heart 2017 foal.
So, our Foaling Alarm is set, breeding would be easy if this were the case!
Keeping Calm, Nothing Stay’s The Same……
/0 Comments/in DFR Patahas Redheart, Foundation Appaloosa Mare, Foundation Appaloosa Stallion, Hevans EV Catorrius, Peyres Catori Cat, Princesse Pascale, Redheart Catorrius, Redheart Pascalius, Redheart Regal, Redheart Royale /by Paula CooperIf you have moved house you know the stress levels, if you have moved farms, you know moving house is easy!
The Mares Paddock
Princesse Pascale and her daughter Redheart Pascalius
Peyres Catori Cat and her daughter Redheart Regal
The Colts Paddock
The Stallion Paddock
Redheart Catorrius / Hevans EV Catorrius
along with the “lawn mowers”, Catkin & Evan
Back up….
Ruby & Grace, “the security”.
Ink, the “hunter”.
Each paddock has at least two sides if not three surrounded by mature hedging and trees for shelter, the land has a slight gradient which should allow for adequate drainage and hopefully minimize poaching? See what the winter brings?
Just need to Keep Calm as nothing stay’s the same….
What An End…..
/0 Comments/in Appaloosa Horse Club UK, Foundation Appaloosa Mare, Redheart Pascalius /by Paula CooperThe third show of 2016, held by the Appaloosa Horse Club UK. An abundance of classes open to and supported by ApHC UK members at Rodbaston Equestrian Centre.
Wonderful to see Appaloosa horses from all ApHC UK registers, the USA register (A), the British register (B), the Characteristic register (C) and the Part-Bred register (PB).
Redheart Pasculius’s last show before joining the broodmares, RESERVE SUPREME CHAMPION!
What an end……
Interesting Links
- Foundation Appaloosa Horse Registry (FAHR)
- AG Horse Transport (Adam Gibson Equine Horse Transport)
- American Appaloosa Association
- All Breed Database
- Top Shots Photography
- NAK Sports Images
- University of California Davis
- International Colored Appaloosa Association, Inc
- Alison James Photography
- Appaloosa Horse Club UK (ApHC UK)
- IJ Equine Photography
- Sundance 500 International
- Etalon Diagnostics
- The Appaloosa Museum
- Redheart Appaloosa Semen Sales Facebook Page
- Animal Genetics UK
- Simon Coates Photography
- Three Counties Equine Hospital
- Real Time Imaging
- Equi-BlingUK
- The Appaloosa Project
- Redheart Appaloosa Facebook Page
- Animal Genetics USA
- LG Media & Marketing
- Amy Griffiths Photography
- The British Appaloosa Society (BApS)
- Western Equestrian Society (WES)
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- Why Redheart?
Latest News
- What a fabulous start to 2025 January 9, 2025
- Happy New Year 2025 January 1, 2025
- Bottoms Up @ New Year – 2024 December 31, 2023
- Foundation Appaloosa Semen Available 2024 (LP/LP PATN1/PATN1) – ALL MARES December 17, 2023
- The Redheart Stallions Receive Appaloosa Horse Club UK (ApHC UK) Accomplishments December 24, 2022