The night before, the night before …………….
Friday 15th August.
There is a lot of preparation the night before a show. Finishing work I collected my girls from their “Kids Club”, got the horses in from their fields, worked Reus, bathed and plaited him. Frank came and worked Evee, I then bathed and plaited her. A few other jobs completed and all was good to go.
Saturday 16th August.
Fed horses at 5am, loaded and on road for 7am to Hartpury College / Equestrian Centre , it was only a short drive away which meant no pressure. Our arrival was like entering a ghost town.
Not sure how many people have done this but I can confirm I am now one person that has gone to a show a day early, better than a day late I guess. Thankfully the short journey home was most entertaining as my children thought it was hilarious funny, as I explained it was “a trial run”
Surprised to be un-loaded at home, the horses enjoyed a relaxing walk around the lanes.
“All dressed up and nowhere to go”
The worse thought;
I knew they would need bathing and plaiting the night before (again) the British Appaloosa Society National Breed Show ON Sunday 17th August 2014.